Christ-Centered Master's Degrees

It is time to take the next step in your education.

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Advance Your Education at a Christ-centered University

stacked coins

Earn More Give More

Those who have a master’s degree earn 16.3% more than those that have a bachelor's degree.1

broken ladder

Don't Miss Your Moment

36% of employers said they would be unlikely to promote someone who does not have a master's degree. 2

blue bullseye with arrow in center

Make Your Mark

43% of high-level positions require a greater level of education.2


What's unique about DBU?

woman in striped shirt working at desk

Flexible Degree Programs

Degree programs are offered online, in-class, flex, or as a combination to accommodate your busy schedule.

man in suit speaking with blue background

A Practical Degree

Learn principles and skills in the classroom that you can immediately apply in your career.

statue of Jesus washing disciple's feet

Christ-Centered Education

Integrate a Christian worldview to better understand your field and God's call on you as a leader.


Choose Your Path

Take a look at our 30+ master's degrees with options to fit your career plans. Explore Master's Degrees

Financial Aid

Our graduate team is dedicated to serving you and helping you find the best financial aid package for you. View Financial Aid Options

How do I get started?

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A Program Coordinator will call you to discuss:

  • Goals for your career
  • Your programs of interest
  • Why DBU makes you stand out
step three - the number 3 with circle around the number

If you feel DBU is the right fit, your Program Coordinator will personally walk you through the whole admissions process.


Have questions? Call (214) 333-5242.

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." - Jeremiah 29:11