DBU Humanitarian Academy
October 10-11, 2019 | 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
The world is broken and is in desperate need of relief. Natural disasters, human trafficking, and crises plague communities near and far to us. It's frustrating to think about the overwhelming list of tasks involved in combating these things.
We understand the difficulty of getting connected with the right people to be able to help the way you should. We developed the DBU Humanitarian Academy to connect you with leaders of organizations who care about making the world a better place. Speaking at the conference are local and global leaders in the fields of human trafficking, humanitarian aid, and critical incident stress management response.
Gain a greater understanding of humanitarian aid and human trafficking and connect with leaders and organizations who share your passion for making the world better.
- Register for the Conference
- Attend the Conference
- Walk away with a deeper understanding of your fields, and connections that will help support your efforts.
- Register by Oct. 7 for $75

E. Christopher Johnson, Jr.
CEO and Co-Founder
Center for Justice, Rights & Dignity
"I attribute my accomplishments to my faith in Jesus Christ, and to the many loving and supportive family members, friends, and colleagues He has surrounded me with, who have significantly contributed to my continued growth and development. I am a West Point graduate, retired GM North America Vice President and General Counsel and a former law school professor with compliance, corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability expertise, which I am using to advance the cause of justice and secure human and civil rights for all who are denied human dignity, particularly those victimized by human trafficking or modern-day slavery."

Lindsey Speed
Lindsey has been involved in the fight against human trafficking with Traffick911 since 2010 and is considered a subject-matter expert in the area of sex trafficking. She currently serves as President for Traffick911, overseeing all prevention, identification, and empowerment initiatives for the agency, full-time program staff, and over 800 vetted and trained volunteers.
Lindsey trains and speaks on the issue across the state and works closely with victims and their families. She has trained thousands of first responders and professionals, including Texas Juvenile Justice Department, multiple law enforcement agencies, National Social Work Association, several Independent School Districts, hospitals, and hospital associations, and Texas Department of Family Protective Services.

Esther Daniel
Global Director, Talent Acquisition
International Justice Mission
Esther Daniel led teams in IJM to fight the crime of bonded labor slavery and labor trafficking in India for 11 years. In this last decade, Esther has led the rescue of over 2,000 victims of bonded labor through more than 75 rescue operations and directed the restoration of thousands of survivors and the prosecution of perpetrators.
Esther led advocacy efforts with the state and central government, law enforcement and senior bureaucrats in India. Her team and she built the capacity of thousands of public justice system officials, through trainings and development of resources. She successfully collaborated and partnered with local community leaders, grassroot communities, survivor communities, and thought leaders to help shape advocacy efforts. These efforts impacted the creation of policies for the implementation of laws to address the crime of bonded labor and labor trafficking. She sat as ‘member’ on the bonded labor committee of the National Human Rights Commission of India.

Dwain Carter
Disaster Relief Director
Texas Baptist Men
Carter joined Texas Baptist Men 10 days before Hurricane Harvey made landfall in August 2017. Since he joined, he has served TBM as Deputy Disaster Relief Director, TBMDR Rebuild Director, TBM Builders Directors, and TBM Volunteer Recruitment. He has been most impacted by working alongside and for the amazing people left in the wake of Hurricane Harvey.
When Carter is not serving with TBM, you can find him with his wife, Leslie, or grilling, cooking, reading, or with his grandkids. He attended Hannibal La Grange University in Missouri for his bachelor's degree, and Midwestern Baptist Seminary in Missouri for his master's. At one time, he was a Sheriff Department SWAT Hostage and Crisis Negotiator.

HBAid provides regular relief assistance, by providing physical humanitarian aid as well as emotional and psychological support. It implements these programs in 18 countries around the world for needy and socially marginalized people in order to ease their difficult situation and give them a chance to have a more humane life.

Austin Disaster Relief Network
Austin Disaster Relief Network (ADRN), a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization, is comprised of over 185 Greater Austin churches and thousands of trained volunteers bringing hope into crisis. ADRN’s network enables and empowers church members to organize, prepare, mobilize, and respond quickly in the event of a disaster, great or small. Business partners, local agencies and community support play a vital role in ADRN’s mission. It is through the generosity of their in-kind donations, monetary gifts, and volunteer assistance, that ADRN can fund the rebuild/repair of survivor homes and provide immediate assistance to those in crisis.
OCT 10th, 2019 | Event | Speaker | Location |
8:00 - 9:00 AM | Registration & Breakfast | Sadler Hall | |
9:00 - 9:50 AM | Keynote 1 | Chris Johnson | Rogers Theater |
10:00 - 10:50 AM | Keynote 2 | Lindsey Speed | Rogers Theater |
10:50 - 11:30 AM | Networking Break | DBU Coffee House (via shuttle) | |
11:30 AM - 12:50 PM | Lunch – Panel | Hungarian Baptist Aid | Sadler Hall |
1:00 - 2:00 PM | Continuing Legal Education | Michael Hurst | Rogers Theater |
2:10 - 4:30 PM | Humanitarian Aid and HT track: Critical Incident Response Training | Tim Dale: ADRN | Lower Level classroom 007 |
OCT 11th, 2019 | Event | Speaker | Location |
8:30 - 9:00 AM | Breakfast Kickoff | Coffee & Muffins | Sadler Hall |
9:00 - 9:50 AM | Keynote 3 | Esther Daniel: IJM | Rogers Theater |
10:00 - 10:50 AM | Keynote 4 | Dwain Carter | Rogers Theater |
10:50 - 11:30 AM | Networking Break | DBU Coffee House (via shuttle) | |
11:30 AM - 12:50 PM | Lunch – Keynote 5 | Russell Chun | Sadler Hall |
1:00 - 4:00 PM | Humanitarian Aid Scenario - HBAid | Old Intramural Field (Casual clothes needed for this scenario) |
Human Trafficking
Human trafficking is the fastest-growing organized crime activity in the world. Being aware of the realities of modern-day slavery is crucial to making a difference, but awareness is only part of the equation. The Human Trafficking track will educate you on the underlying problems we face in fighting this plague, inform you of the most effective ways to help, and provide practical training to assist in crisis situations.
Humanitarian Aid
Humanitarian aid can range from providing assistance in disaster relief to medical help to the children in your own city. Making the most of our resources requires strategy and efficient planning. The Humanitarian Aid track will focus on discussing the most effective methods of implementing these crucial programs and will feature scenario training in an outdoor environment.
Critical Incident Stress Management
Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) consists of the response to horrific events, such as mass shootings, terrorist attacks, and natural disasters. As the frequency and severity of these events escalate across the country and the globe, it is critical to understand the most effective ways to respond to these crises and provide support for those most affected. The CISM track will provide training on how we as individuals can aid in this response and best practices for defusing risk to the individual, debriefing on the event, and following up to ensure the individual is in a stable frame of mind.
Classes Offered for DBU Students
MAIS 5394 International Humanitarian Aid
POLS 4395 International Humanitarian Aid
RELI 4395 International Humanitarian Aid
SOCI 4310 Human Trafficking