John Lewis

The Honorable John Robert Lewis: A Statesman, Civil Rights Leader, and One Who Walked with the Wind

During the time given to him, John Lewis gave immeasurably. He did for others what they could not do for themselves, he spoke with moral clarity on the things that matter most, and his entire life became a force for good.

C.T. Vivian

The Reverend Cordy "C.T." Vivian: Civil Rights Activist, Pastor, Man of Moral Courage

At a time when our nation suffers from a dearth of leadership at the highest levels, C.T. Vivian's life demonstrates how one can leave a legacy of bettering the lives of others. He will be a man spoken well of, not just today or at political rallies or during election cycles, but for all of human history.

Just Mercy

My Thoughts on "Just Mercy"

Justice seemed like the right answer, the only answer, but inequality, oppression, and discrimination stood in its place.

World Relief Event

Loving the Foreigner Among Us: World Relief Hosts Discussion on Immigration

Jenny Yang, Senior Vice President of Advocacy and Policy, spearheaded a dialogue on "Justice, Compassion, and Truth: A Discussion on Immigration." She was joined by partner organizations of World Relief, including Seek the Peace, Welcoming Immigrants, The Refugee Empowerment Network, and Southcliff Baptist Church.