Building Connections: "Lunch with Your Professor" at Dallas Baptist University

College student eating with a professor in a university dining hall with people in the background

Dallas Baptist University's long-standing event, "Lunch with Your Professor," has built meaningful connections between faculty and students for over 20 years. This monthly time of fellowship provides opportunities outside the classroom for support, mentorship, networking, and meaningful dialogue.

"As a parent, I love that my son and daughter have had access to their professors on a personal level," said Director of Faculty Support Leslie Estes, who has experienced the program as a doctoral student, staff member, and DBU parent. "They need to see that their professors are human and that they care enough to take an hour to have lunch with their students."

What Is DBU's "Lunch with Your Professor" Program?

Each month during the Fall and Spring semesters, full-time and adjunct faculty gather in the Crowley Dining Hall to enjoy a time of fellowship and connection with students over lunch. A different college hosts each "Lunch with Your Professor" session, allowing students to visit with current professors or explore and engage with other departments. From 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., professors and students enjoy relaxed, casual conversations, exchange ideas, and build relationships in a comfortable and welcoming environment.

Faculty members use this time to get to know their students better, offering guidance, sharing wisdom, or simply enjoying the lighthearted conversations. In turn, students can personally connect with their professors, gaining valuable insights beyond the academic setting.

What Benefits Can Students Gain?

Students who regularly attend "Lunch with Your Professor" have unique opportunities including, including:

  • Personal connections with faculty and other students
  • Faculty for mentorship
  • Open dialogue with diverse groups
  • Encouragement and spiritual support
  • Finding collaboration opportunities

"As an adjunct professor, I have the opportunity to connect with students on a deeper level," Estes said.

Estes said she has seen students who attend the event build better relationships with their professors, leading to an even stronger commitment to their DBU education. Estes has also experienced this firsthand as a doctoral student, where she used the event as an opportunity to collaborate with university leaders. 

How Does the Program Align with DBU's Mission?

The "Lunch with Your Professor" program reflects DBU's mission to provide Christ-centered quality higher education in order to produce servant leaders who have the ability to integrate faith and learning through their respective callings. Students and faculty gain insights from each other, foster spiritual growth, and remind each other why DBU is more than just a university.

Dr. Ken Gore, Professor of Biblical Studies at the College of Christian Faith, said he feels engagement with students outside of the classroom is meaningful and time well spent.

"I've had some interesting conversations about theology, some hard questions about the Old Testament, but also questions about life and work issues," Dr. Gore said. "Because you must let down your guard to eat, over time, students realize that I'm human and open up about how they are doing."

Beyond "Lunch with Your Professor"

Beyond the monthly event, faculty truly take the mission to connect with students to heart. One professor is known to visit the dining hall weekly, creating a consistent presence where students can drop by to ask homework questions or receive a word of prayer. This dedication embodies the servant leadership spirit that DBU seeks to instill in its community.

Estes said she always asks students what brought them to DBU during the lunches. She learned about DBU's participation in the Awana Scholarship through one of these conversations. Awana is a ministry that helps children worldwide learn the Gospel. Its scholarship connects students with opportunities for ongoing education by rewarding them with financial scholarships from quality institutions. Estes said the student she spoke to received the scholarship, which significantly influenced his choice to come to DBU from Colorado. She now tells others about the scholarship and continues to check in with the student when she sees him on campus.

"Lunch with Your Professor" embodies the heart of Dallas Baptist University, where learning, mentoring, and faith come together to shape future servant leaders. We hope to see you there!

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