How to Find Grants and Scholarships for Future Ministry Leaders

people reading the Bible in Dallas, Texas

Dallas Baptist University's mission is to develop servant leaders who reflect Christ, impact the world, and glorify God in their spheres of influence.

For those with a heart for ministry, that call to servant leadership is even more acute as students prepare to impact culture through practical ministry in the church, community, and world.

Embarking on a journey toward ministry is both rewarding and challenging — and, as such, DBU is committed to supporting students every step of the way, including financially. Christian scholarships can help ease the financial burden of your studies so you can confidently focus on your calling with greater peace of mind.

At DBU, we don't want anything to stand in the way of your calling to ministry. We have many opportunities for scholarships for Christians, with specific ministry scholarships to consider.

"See to it that you complete the ministry you have received in the Lord." - Colossians 4:17 NIV

Ministry Scholarships for Undergraduate Students

College scholarships for Christians are so pivotal for many undergraduate students' journeys. One DBU student said: "While finances can be stressful, these scholarships have allowed me to fulfill the Lord's call on my life to earn a degree at DBU. I thank our donors for believing in my academic success and providing for so many DBU students."

DBU has many internal scholarships available to incoming students with a heart for ministry. Here are a few to consider:

Christian Service Scholarship

The Christian Service Scholarship is an excellent opportunity for those with a servant's heart to secure $4,000 per academic year to put toward their tuition. Applicants should be actively involved in a volunteer service or ministry activity for at least six hours per month and will have successfully completed the DBU Christian Leadership course during their first year of college.

Acteen Scholarship

For new students who are actively involved in Acteens, a missions organization for young women, the Acteen Scholarship is an incredible opportunity. Applicants should have received Mission Quest achievement and state and national honors. This scholarship award varies according to the number of quests achieved.

Challengers Scholarship

For male students who are actively involved in a Challengers group and who have received recognition through The Journey mission advancement programs, the Challengers scholarship is worth considering. These scholarship awards vary according to the level of achievement. 

AWANA Scholarship

The goal of the AWANA Scholarship is to support students who have demonstrated leadership and commitment to AWANA, a global evangelical youth program.

These scholarship awards vary according to the level of achievement and include the following tiers:

  • Timothy Award: $250 Per Semester / $500 Per Year
  • Meritorious Award: $1,000 Per Semester / $2,000 Per Year
  • Citation Award: $1,500 Per Semester / $3,000 Per Year

Undergraduate DBU Ministerial Scholarship

For undergraduate ministry students who have completed less than 60 hours or are enrolled in 12 or more hours per semester, the DBU Ministerial Scholarship provides $50 per semester hour. Students with 60 hours or more and enrolled in at least 12 hours per semester and who are pursuing an endorsed ministry degree program may receive an additional $25 per semester hour (for a total grant of $75 per semester hour).

Undergraduate BGCT Ministry Scholarship

The BGCT (Baptist General Convention of Texas) Ministry Scholarship offers $50 per semester hour for undergraduate students who have completed less than 60 hours. Students with 60 hours or more and who are pursuing an endorsed ministry degree program may receive an additional $25 per semester hour (for a total scholarship of $75 per semester hour).

The great thing to know about this scholarship is that the DBU Ministerial Scholarship matches it for all qualifying full-time undergraduate students.

Ministry Scholarships for Graduate Students 

DBU also has ministry scholarship opportunities for graduate students. Here are two to consider:

Graduate DBU Ministerial Scholarship

Full-time ministry students enrolled in a master's or doctoral degree program that leads to the practice of ministry in a vocational church-related setting or teaching and research in a theological school, college, or university are eligible to receive the DBU Ministerial Scholarship, which provides $100 per semester hour. 

This scholarship increases to $150 per semester hour for doctoral students who are pursuing a concentration in ministry. Qualifying graduate students may only receive the DBU Ministerial Scholarship if approved to receive the Graduate BGCT Ministry Scholarship.

Graduate BGCT Ministry Scholarship

Part-time or full-time students enrolled in a master's or doctoral degree program that leads to the practice of ministry in a vocational church-related setting or teaching and research in a theological school, college, or university are eligible for the Graduate BGCT Ministry Scholarship, which provides $100 per semester hour. This scholarship increases to $150 per semester hour for doctoral students who are pursuing a concentration in ministry.

Students are also eligible to receive $1,000 per semester for nine consecutive semesters upon confirmation that they are members of a BGCT church.

How to Apply for Ministry Scholarships

Keep in mind that it can pay dividends to start the application process early for ministry scholarships — and don't hold back from applying for multiple opportunities!

While each of the ministry scholarships may have slightly different requirements for application, here are some things to keep in mind:

  1. Application Form: Make sure you complete each application form for the respective ministry scholarships you're applying for.
  2. Personal Essay: In most cases, you should be prepared to provide a written piece that offers details about your call to ministry, highlighting your commitment and experiences.
  3. Letters of Recommendations: Many scholarships also ask for letters of recommendation from church leaders or mentors who are familiar with your ministry involvement.
  4. Academic and Enrollment Requirements: Being enrolled in the required number of credit hours and meeting the necessary academic standards are also essential for scholarship eligibility and maintenance.

DBU's Financial Aid office is always readily available to walk you through the process and answer any questions.

Private Scholarships

There are also private scholarships that can be obtained for ministry students. DBU has a dedicated office to help you finance your education. Private scholarships are gifts funded by local banks, trusts, foundations, and other organizations that go directly to students' accounts. To find out more information on these scholarships, you can email

Remember: Pray and Seek Guidance

Following your God-given calling in ministry is incredibly rewarding — and it can also feel demanding and uncertain. Scholarships and other monetary support — like grants — for ministry education can be a game-changer in reducing any financial strain. Remember to go to the Lord in prayer and trust that God will meet all your needs and provide the necessary resources in your college journey and beyond.

You may also consider seeking counsel from mentors, church leaders, and your faith community as you navigate the scholarship application process.

"And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus." – Philippians 4:19 NIV

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