Faith and Focus: Prayer for College Success

two adults holding hands with a small child praying over an open Bible

Prioritizing the power of prayer in college can be a transformative experience for students who serve the Lord. For college students in Texas, the Dallas Baptist University community can help cultivate this commitment to prayer through Christ-centered learning in every facet of campus life.

The Role of Prayer in College Life

Many students at DBU grew up with a tradition of prayer in their homes. When you leave home to attend college, continuing that commitment is now in your own hands. Prayer for college students is about more than repeating the words you learned as a child. College is an opportunity to make your relationship with Christ your own and to let him shape you as a servant leader and lifelong learner. The practice of listening to God in prayer is a crucial skill for young adults to experience this life transformation.

Your Moral Compass

College is a time of exploration for young adults, but with new freedom comes new life choices. A deep commitment to prayer will give you a moral compass as you make decisions that will impact the trajectory of your life, such as the deep friendships you'll forge and your choice of major. It's easier to navigate these big decisions during your college years if you are confident in God's love for you and in your ability to discern his voice.

Dedication and Discipline

The power of prayer is bolstered by a dedicated commitment to routine, so be sure to schedule time each day to pray. Practicing this dedication to your faith often translates to the skills of your chosen career path. Your academic studies will benefit from the discipline you've cultivated through prayer. It's helpful to start your prayer time by writing down things you are thankful for in a gratitude journal. It is also beneficial to spend time taking some deep breaths and simply enjoying God's delight in you. These two exercises will help you set your heart in a posture of complete trust before you begin praying for others and for yourself.

Feeling Empowered and Purpose-Driven

College students who pray daily can pursue their goals with confidence, knowing God supports them. Your academic work in college can be challenging, and you will reach roadblocks during your course of study. When you know you have a purpose beyond tests and textbooks, you will feel empowered to stay the course. Prayer will remind you that your academic journey will empower you to live your purpose as a servant leader for Christ on campus and beyond. You can pray through the things on your agenda for the day, asking the Lord to show you the next right thing to do.

Embracing a Sense of Belonging

When you inevitably feel lonely or detached from friends and family back home, the power of prayer can soothe those worries. When you feel alone, you can pray that God will guide you to a new friend or an encouraging social group. You can be certain others around you are feeling lonely, too, so you can tell the Lord you are available to bless someone and then watch to see who he brings across your path. Also, joining or establishing small prayer groups can deepen your relationship with classmates as you hold your brothers and sisters in Christ accountable to a higher purpose.

Prayer Resources for Texas College Students

Your commitment to prayer as a college student is not a journey you take alone. Many resources on and off campus can help you find solace and power in prayer.

Campus Chapels and Prayer Rooms

Part of DBU's commitment to Christ-centered education includes weekly chapel services for all students on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. The power of collective prayer three times a week helps keep our campus community united around the Lord.

In addition to chapel services, the Rogers Intercessory Prayer Ministry at DBU offers students and their families a chance to be prayer partners in the community. The Prayer Ministry accepts prayer requests from anyone and sends a daily email to faculty, staff, and community members with current needs. You can schedule a time to come into the Estes Prayer Room located in the Lower Level of Pilgrim Chapel. You can also join the prayer team, which consists of dozens of students who come once a week to pray for DBU's needs and to practice a new prayer tool each week.

Online Resources

College students lead busy lives, and you may find it challenging to attend in-person prayer meetings every day. Fortunately, many online resources make it easier to be steadfast in your commitment to prayer and a deeper relationship with God. YouVersion,, the Dwell Audio Bible App, and Echo Prayer are well-regarded resources online. You can visit these sites and study scripture, request prayers, and create a consistent prayer plan for yourself.

Local Churches

The Dallas area has over 500 Baptist churches, plus hundreds from other denominations. Volunteering as a prayer partner in the community through neighborhood churches is a way to extend your service beyond the campus walls.

Campus Ministries

While the primary focus of campus ministries is on community and service, the connections you make in these fellowships can help strengthen your dedication to prayer. On campus, DBU's Baptist Student Ministries offers opportunities to grow in your discipleship and be faithful in prayer. The Men's and Women's Ministries on campus offer smaller group opportunities to study His word and deepen your relationship with powerful prayer.

Conferences and Retreats

Sharing a commitment to Christ-centered education with fellow college students is one of the best ways to serve the community. Many religious conferences and retreats offer sessions geared toward young adults and college students. You might learn new ways to improve your servant leadership skills, form a new prayer group, or make mentorship connections that will continue guiding you throughout school.

Prayer for college students is foundational to the transformative experiences you'll have on campus and beyond. Trusting that God wants to speak to you and learning to discern his voice is one of the most powerful and adventurous endeavors you can have as a student.

"The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth." - Psalm 145:18 ESV

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