How to Prepare for Your First Day at College

college student standing outside in Dallas, Texas with a backpack by a brick building

As the 2024-25 academic year approaches, you might wonder what to do before your first day of college. Transitioning from home to DBU campus life is exciting. But it might also be a bit overwhelming — especially if you're a first-year student.

Many Texas college prep tips are similar across the Lone Star State. As a Christ-centered university, integrating faith into every facet of DBU life is at the heart of what we do. So, all parts of your education filter through a Gospel lens, which sets us apart from many other colleges and universities.

As with any new endeavor, leaning into your faith and trusting God to direct your journey will bolster your courage as you also navigate how to get ready for college as a Christian.

You can use this preparation guide as a first-day-of-college checklist.

College Preparation Guide

Pursuing a college degree is a huge decision. If you're already looking for guidance for your first day, you've completed many necessary steps to get here. You've applied to a university, been accepted, and likely attended orientation.

Those are significant achievements you can cross off your list. Congratulations!

So, what's next? This guide provides some helpful tips for your first day at college and covers what you'll do in your first week at DBU.

Tips for a Successful First Day at College

Seek God's Guidance

As a Christian, communicating with God and seeking His guidance for this important milestone through prayer is a powerful first step.

You may experience a wide range of emotions as you embark on your journey, including excitement, happiness, fear, and homesickness. Remember, God is always there — through highs and lows. Seek His wisdom in every challenge and celebrate His love in every victory.

"In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths." – Proverbs 3:6 (ESV)

Attend and Participate in SWAT Week

Student Welcome and Transition Week (SWAT) takes place for new students the week before fall semester classes begin. The 2024 SWAT week starts with moving into the dorms. Then, you will be sorted into 1 of 4 Corps that will be your SWAT family for as long as you're a DBU Patriot. SWAT events include:

  • Welcome: Upperclass leaders, faculty, and staff teach you how to maximize your DBU time.
  • Student Life Events: Enjoy special student life events like taking a Pepsi Break, playing games, and hanging out at Sellar Nights.
  • Welcome Week: Gather with fellow students and prepare to make new friends as you share food, listen to live music, watch a movie on The Quad, and check out booths for various DBU Student Organizations, local churches, and local businesses.

Review Your Class Schedule and Campus Map

Reviewing your class schedule alongside the DBU Campus Map before classes start is a good idea. That way, you'll know where you're going, can plan walking distances and times between classes, and see when you have some downtime. Doing a practice run to get to each class will make getting around even easier on your first day.

Along with class buildings, you should also familiarize yourself with the names and locations of popular campus hubs like the LC (Collins Learning Center/library), the Burg (gym for Patriot basketball and volleyball games), the DBU Coffeehouse, and the Union Grille.

Review Syllabi, Do Pre-Assignments, Prepare for Lectures

Some professors may post the class syllabus and require reading or other pre-assignments online before their first class. Be sure to check your email or assignment boards ahead of time to review guidelines and complete the required coursework.

While typing notes might seem easier or more convenient, a recent Frontiers in Psychology study found that participants who wrote notes by hand had higher electrical activity levels in parts of the brain that control vision, sensory processing, movement, and memory.

You should also prepare for lectures by packing pens, pencils, notebooks, index cards, and a laptop to take notes during lectures.

Also, pack a bottle of water or a light snack to fuel up or stay hydrated between classes.

Rest Up and Get to Class Early

Getting a good night's sleep the night before class can help you feel refreshed and ready to learn. In fact, sleeping well can also have a positive impact on your academic performance.

study published in NPJ Science of Learning Journal found that "better quality, longer duration, and greater consistency of sleep are strongly associated with better academic performance in college."

So, rest up the night before and plan to get to your first class early. Arriving early relieves stress, gives you a better chance at getting the seat you want, and shows your professor that you are ready and eager to learn.

Christ is at the Center of the DBU Difference

For more than a century, DBU has made its mission to help students discover their callings and make them a reality.

So, be assured you're heading into your first day and first week with steadfast support from knowledgeable and caring faculty members who are ready and willing to help you find your way around, get accustomed to DBU student life, forge new connections, experience spiritual growth, and achieve academic success to fuel a Christ-led career.

"Integrating faith and learning means that I serve as a guide to help students connect their faith to the material being taught in such a way that by the time they leave our campus, they are unable to see their careers without seeing Jesus and how they can use their careers to bring glory to Him," said Dr. Cicely Jefferson, Dean, Carter School of Business.

As you settle in, you'll soon discover how the DBU difference puts Christ at the forefront of a transformative education in which you'll prepare yourself to fulfill your unique calling as a servant leader in your chosen field. You'll also make many memories with old and new friends along the way.

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