A Message from the Dean, Dr. Cicely S. Jefferson

Throughout the Bible we witness God call people to a specific task or assignment to impact the lives of others for the Kingdom of God. In the Don and Linda Carter School of Business at DBU, we believe that business is a calling, and that God has called us to equip students with market knowledge and kingdom wisdom so that they may serve in their respective fields and bring glory to God.
Grounded in our faith, we understand we are called by Christ to be excellent in all things. This excellence is reflected in our qualified faculty, who bring education and industry experience to the classroom, which produces servant leaders and followers who view their business education as a vehicle to impact society for the glory of God. We strive to provide an exemplary business education that is innovative, experiential, service-oriented, and relationship-driven. Our alumni are serving at all levels in business with various for profit, nonprofit, and government organizations.
The DBU experience not only provides students with the hard skills that they need to be successful in business, but we also teach our students the soft skills of collaboration, conflict resolution, problem-solving, empathy, emotional intelligence, communication, leadership, and service. Companies and organizations in the DFW metroplex and beyond recruit our students because they desire students who possess the knowledge as well as the character and integrity to sustain a successful career in business.
It is our prayer that you would join us as we prepare the next generation of Christian business leaders who value knowledge, truth, character, and service to mankind.
Cicely S. Jefferson, Ph.D., J.D.
Dean, Don and Linda Carter School of Business