Edwin Debiew
Director of the William B. Dean M.D. Institute for Criminal Justice Leadership
Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice

Edwin Debiew is a retired Assistant Special Agent in Charge and law enforcement practitioner with over three decades of experience in all facets of the Criminal Justice system.
Edwin's Work Experience
Edwin worked as a Deputy Sheriff (Corrections Division), Juvenile Probation Officer, Adult Probation and Parole Agent, Fugitive Team Leader, and Police Officer at two universities and at the world-famous Louisiana Superdome. Edwin later became a federal Criminal Investigator (Research Technology Protection Specialist) with the Air Force Office of Special Investigations, and during this time, Edwin received the Air Force Civilian Exemplary Civil Service Award, an award from the National Counterintelligence Executive and was instrumental in obtaining the "Small Detachment of the Year," for three consecutive years at Francis E. Warren Air Force Base, Cheyenne, Wyoming. Edwin has been the "Special Agent of the Year" at two federal agencies, received Congressional commendations, but most importantly, received personal accolades from people in many communities across America for working as a public servant. Edwin is a Bronze Star recipient, which was earned during Operation Desert Shield/Storm; a Bronze Medal award recipient for Excellence from the President's Council on Integrity and Efficiency and U.S. EPA for the unwavering dedication and response to Gulf Coast Hurricanes Katrina and Rita and in fighting fraud, waste, and abuse. For 21 years within the federal sector, Edwin supervised and managed investigations for the U.S. EPA, Office of Inspector General, Office of Investigations. Throughout the years, Edwin's investigative results yielded financial returns, indictments, convictions, suspension and debarment actions, and other civil and administrative remedies. Edwin is lauded and sought after for his National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives (NOBLE) related community engagement expertise, such as work performed with the Department of Justice, Community Relations Service, and other entities to provide the "Law and Your Community" training in various communities. Edwin is married with two children.