

DOXA Magazine 23

DOXA 2023 features some of the best original creative work of DBU students, produced by DBU’s chapter of Sigma Tau Delta, the International English Honor Society, in collaboration with the Honors Program, the English department, the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, and the College of Fine Arts.

Our fifth issue draws from works submitted to the DOXA Literary Festival and the art department's Art and Design Show. This publication is also student edited by managing editors Lauren Jeremiah and Faith Willis with assistant editor Eric Beckman. The issue is illustrated and designed by student graphic designer/intern Kayla Harper.



DOXA Magazine 22



Our fourth issue draws from works submitted to the DOXA Literary Festival and the art department's Art and Design Show. This publication is also student-edited by managing editors/interns Jessica Findley and Kelly Miller with assistant editors Marthe St. Jean, Lauren Cook, Kayla Harper, and Kristyn Glaspy. The issue is illustrated and designed by student graphic designer/ intern Ansley Hutchinson.






Our third issue draws from works submitted to the DOXA Literary Festival and the art department’s Art and Design Show. This publication is also student-edited by managing editor/intern Christin Nyberg, and assistant editor Jessica Findley illustrated and designed by student graphic designer/ intern Breanna Lang, and directed by Lauren Ellis.







Our second issue draws from works submitted to the Doxa Literary Festival and to DBU's art department by graduating seniors. This publication is also student-edited by managing student editor/intern Adam Barton and illustrated and designed by student graphic designer/intern Lauren Ellis.








Our first issue, in full color, draws from works submitted to the DOXA Literary Festival and the Art Honors Competition and is student-edited and designed.


Submission Guidelines

  • Creative Writing: 3 to 5 poems; one short story; 10 to 15 double-spaced pages from a novel; or a script of 20-minute reading time; 1 to 2 non-fiction, non-academic essays, no more than 10 double-spaced pages total. May submit in multiple categories. All creative writing submissions must be submitted as .doc or .docx files. Student contributors in this category who are participating in the DOXA Literary Festival competition will read their work as part of the DOXA Literary Festival. Please contact the University Honors Program for more information.
  • Song lyrics: Song lyrics for up to three songs must be submitted as .doc or .docx files. Judging will be based only on the lyrics, but entrants may provide a link to a recording of the song for inclusion in the journal if they wish to do so. Up to ten entrants will be selected to perform at least one of their submitted songs as part of the DOXA Literary Festival Friday night coffeehouse event. Please contact the University Honors Program or Dr. Christine Jones for more information.
  • Artwork: Graphic designs, photography, paintings, illustrations, drawings, and sculptures will be selected through the DBU art department’s spring Art and Design Show. The graphic design intern will need jpeg image files of print quality. (Minimum resolution: 300 and minimum dimensions: 3.5” x 5”). Please come by the Art Department or email for more information.
  • Music: All scored music compositions should be no longer than five pages and must be submitted as a PDF. Please contact Dr. Jennifer Weaver for more information.
  • Deadline: The deadline for creative writing, song lyrics, and music is generally in early-mid March.

For more information about the DOXA Literary Festival >>>