Master of Education in Teaching
The Master of Education in Teaching is a non-thesis degree varying from 30-36 hours that may be combined with other requirements to allow an individual to earn Texas teacher certification. The M.Ed. in Teaching enhances professional development of teachers who are committed to excellence in the classroom. The program and professors focus on facilitating the development of expertise in content areas, effective teaching strategies, and delivery of instruction to students in both the public and private school settings.
More than an Education
The M.Ed. in Teaching program provides an abundance of opportunities to develop theoretical understanding and experiential learning to prepare you to successfully facilitate student learning in the environment in which you will serve. Through these learning opportunities, you will understand how to enhance learning to more effectively engage your students in the educational setting.
Armed with experiences, knowledge, and instruction from a Christian worldview, graduates of the M.Ed. in Teaching program will enter the field of education as servant leaders ready to facilitate student engagement and learning. The M.Ed. in Teaching program serves those students who feel called to be teachers. This flexible program allows the student to pursue a master’s degree while balancing a career, family, or other responsibilities.
Marked by Service
Dallas Baptist University is a unique Christ-centered, mission-driven university that encourages its students to become servant leaders in their chosen fields. Faculty and staff in the M.Ed. in Teaching program seek to assist you in achieving your academic goals and strive to nurture your spiritual development as you complete your degree at DBU.
The courses in the M.Ed. in Teaching program provide you with a strong curricular foundation to develop you as a servant leader. Service-learning is a teaching and learning strategy that integrates academic instruction, community service, and guided reflection from a Christ-centered, faith-based perspective in order to enhance student learning, foster global civic responsibility, and develop servant leaders.
If you feel the call to teach, please do not let another day go by with your dream unfulfilled.
Learn More about being a Servant Leader in the Classroom >>
Post-Baccalaureate Program for Teacher Certification
If you are interested in obtaining your Texas teacher certification without earning a master's degree, we invite you to explore our Pathways to Teaching program.
Learn More about Post-Baccalaureate Program for Teacher Certification >>
Meet the M.Ed. in Teaching Program Director
Do you hold a bachelor’s degree in a field other than education? Do you feel that God is calling you to teach? The intent of the Master of Education in Teaching degree is to meet this calling through a focus on the development of deep pedagogical knowledge, research-based instructional design, and effective management skills which will benefit all learners in the classroom. Building these professional skills on a firm foundation of Biblical principles will enable the Master of Education in Teaching graduates to serve as Christ-centered servant leaders in both public and private institutions of learning. I look forward to helping you achieve your academic goals and career calling.
- Dr. Julie Hyman, Program Director
(214) 333-5352 |

Program Details
Our program offers multiple options to specialize in several different fields of teaching to obtain your M.Ed. in Teaching without Teacher Certification. Students can also combine other requirements to earn their M.Ed. in Teaching with Teacher Certification.
Additional M.Ed. in Teaching Program Information
(1) Pursuant to the Texas Education Code (TEC), §22.083, candidates must undergo a criminal history background check prior to employment as an educator. (2) Pursuant to the TEC, §22.0835, candidates must undergo a criminal history background check prior to clinical teaching or internship.
View DBU Graduate School’s admission requirements.
Admission to one graduate program does not guarantee admission to another. Applicants who show potential for graduate study but do not meet the criteria for Full Admission may be admitted for up to 12 hours under provisional status. Students admitted under Provisional Admission will be granted Full Admission upon successful completion of 12 credit hours and fulfillment of the conditions of their admission as determined by the Master’s Degrees Admission Committee.
Full Admission Requirements | International Admissions | Transfer Admissions