Admissions to the Honors Program
- A minimum SAT score of 1150 (old format), 1220 (new format), or an ACT score of 25
- 2 high school faculty recommendations
- A 3.5 overall GPA
- 2 faculty recommendations
Transfer students who were members of an academic organization such as Phi Beta Kappa at their previous institution may apply for first-semester acceptance. No student with more than 70 hours may be admitted to the Honors Program.
- Must have at least 12 hours of credit at DBU
- A minimum GPA of 3.5
- 2 faculty recommendations
- Students may transfer up to nine hours of honors credit from another college or university
- Each course is subject to review by the Director and a consulting honors faculty member.
- Students must take 12 hours of class hours from the list of courses below.
Letter of Interest
All applicants must also submit a 250-to-500-word letter of interest. It should seek to answer some of the following questions:
- What do you hope to gain by being part of the University Honors Program?
- What are your interests academically?
- What do your other personal interests include (for example, future vocation, reading and music, sports, hobbies, and/or Christian ministry)?
- What other noteworthy accomplishments would you like us to know?
Dallas Baptist University believes in helping students afford a quality, Christ-centered education. A wide range of programs is available, including academic, merit-based scholarships and financial aid for qualified students. Honors students are encouraged to explore all avenues for which they could be eligible for additional assistance. The Office of Financial Aid will assist you in determining your eligibility for Federal, State, and other aid programs.
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University Honors Students are eligible for a $2,000 scholarship each year they continue in the Honors Program. This scholarship will be added to the student’s Presidential Award. The student must be enrolled in at least one for credit honors course each semester that the scholarship is awarded.
Requirements for Advanced Honors Recognition
- Complete 24 hours in honors classes, including 12 hours in Great Texts courses.
- Must maintain a 3.2 grade point average.
- Must have a 3.5 average to be recognized as "University Honors" at graduation.
- Complete a senior thesis or project.
- All students must also regularly enroll in Honors Enrichment and complete an enrichment event portfolio before completing the Senior Thesis or Project.
- University Honors Program students may take no more than six honors hours per semester. Freshmen students entering the UHP may only take three hours per semester in the Freshman year.
Probation and Suspension
Students will be placed on probation or suspension if they meet the following requirements.
Students must maintain a 3.2 grade point average in order to remain in the program. If a student’s average falls below 3.2, he or she will be placed on probation and be allowed two semesters to bring his or her grade point average back to a minimum 3.2 in order to take honors courses.
Likewise, if a student earns a C- or below in an honors course, he or she will be placed on probation for a semester. During the probationary period, students cannot register for honors courses without special permission.
Students must also remaining in good standing in Honors Enrichment in order to continue to register for honors courses.
If the student’s GPA stays below a 3.2 after two semesters, the student will be suspended from the University Honors Program. Suspension occurs automatically if a student’s GPA falls below a 2.0 or if a student fails an honors course.
After the suspension, a student can reapply once to the University Honors Program.
Additional Information
- Transfer equivalency report prepared by the Registrar and the review process conducted by the University Honors Program does not constitute the same process.
- Courses that are accepted by the University in partial fulfillment of a student's degree plan may or may not be also accepted by the University Honors Office as honors-level credit in the program.