Stone House
Stone House is located in Ford Village. It houses 32 freshman and 8 upperclassmen mentors. The purpose of Stone House is to disciple new male freshman students and to challenge them to join the legacy of courageous men following Christ. Stone House residents will focus on their spiritual walk, personal leadership, academic studies, and physical health and well-being.

Through Stone House you will:
- Participate in interactive discussions, activities, and programs developed around four areas of personal development: spiritual, intellectual, social, and physical. (Luke 2:52)
- Journey through a specially designed discipleship-based mentoring program, guided by a mature student spiritual leader. (Matthew 28:19)
"You are coming to Christ, who is the living cornerstone of God's temple. He was rejected by people, but he was chosen by God for great honor. And you are living stones that God is building into his spiritual temple." - 1 Peter 2:4-5a (NLT)
Participants and Cost
This opportunity is open to a limited number of first-year (freshman) male students. Students will be considered for the Stone House Living and Learning Community based on the submission of the Stone House application. The Stone House experience takes place during the first academic year (Fall and Spring semesters) and includes various co-curricular opportunities through which students can grow, change, and be challenged.
The living-learning experience includes the housing fee, all program-specific materials, participation in extracurricular events, and Stone House T-shirt and sweatshirt. In addition to this cost, you will be required to choose one of the board plans provided for all residence hall students.