Visa Information

What to Prove During Your Interview

Preparation is vital when applying for a student visa. It will be essential for you to communicate to the visa officer that you wish to return home upon completing your studies at DBU. To increase the likelihood of being granted a Student Visa, it is crucial to prove the following during your Visa Interview:

  1. Prove your primary purpose for obtaining a Visa will be to study full-time at DBU as a student. 
    1. Be ready to present a complete history of your academic career, including your secondary (high school) and University records (if you are applying for a graduate degree). Have your test results available (GMAT, GRE, TOEFL, IELTS) and show that you have made appropriate preparations to begin studying in the U.S.
  2. Prove that you have strong ties in your home country and that you have no intent to immigrate to the United States. 
    1. Strong ties are various aspects of your life (professional, family, financial, etc.) that bind you to your country of residence. Strong ties may include all your family resides in your home country and not in the U.S., you have a job awaiting you at home upon completing your studies, or all of your assets are in your home country and not in the United States.
  3. Prove that you have sufficient funds to support yourself (and your family) for your entire DBU program. 
    1. Provide financial/bank statements indicating that you (or your Guarantor's/Parents) have adequate funds to pay for your entire academic program, including living expenses, at DBU. You must also present evidence that your guarantor will be able to finance the remaining years (after the first year) of your education at DBU.
  4. Have a valid passport for at least six months into the future.
    1. Be sure your passport has been issued with more than six months left before its expiration.

Ten Tips to Prepare for a Visa Interview

  1. Prove Ties to Your Home Country
    1. Provide proof of plans to return to your home country.
    2. Explain the benefit of your academic program to your home country.
    3. Prove ties with family or other relationships.
    4. Explain previous overstays in the U.S. clearly with documentation.
  2. Practice English for Interview
    1. Practice English conversation.
    2. Explain enrollment in the Intensive English Program.
  3. Speak for Yourself
    1. Do not bring parents or family members with you to the interview.
    2. Be prepared to speak for yourself.
  4. Be Brief
    1. First impressions are significant as the interview may only last one minute.
    2. Keep answers short and to the point.
    3. Assure the consular officer that your main purpose for coming to the U.S. is to study.
  5. Know Information about why you want to attend DBU
    1. DBU is fully accredited to offer undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs.
    2. DBU has a low student to faculty ratio of 16:1 with more personalized attention in class.
    3. DBU classes are available throughout the year, which allows students to finish their degrees early and return to their country.
    4. DBU has on-campus dorms and apartments and is one of the safest campuses in the U.S.
    5. DBU costs less than most other 4-year private U.S. universities.
  6. Prepare Documents
    1. Review documents thoroughly and have them neatly organized.
    2. Provide brief explanations only.
  7. Know Home Country Regulations
    1. Understand the economic problems and conditions of your home country.
    2. Research the visa procedures of your home country.
    3. Know your future career/job plans upon returning to your home country.
  8. Maintain a Positive Attitude
    1. Be confident, be prepared, speak clearly, and give short answers.
  9. Answer Dependent Issues
    1. If your spouse and family are remaining in your home country, explain how they will support themselves in your absence.
    2. If your family does decide to join you at a later time, have them apply at the same post where you applied for your visa.
    3. If your spouse is applying for an F-2, realize that dependents cannot under any circumstance be employed in the United States.
  10. Denials
    1. Do not engage the consular officer in an argument.
    2. Ask the officer for a list of documents they would suggest you bring to reevaluate the refusal. More Information on Denials >>
    3. Obtain the reason you were denied in writing.
    4. Make an appointment for reapplication.
    5. Contact DBU immediately.

Visa Renewal

Renewing your visa is similar to how you first applied for your visa. You will need to be able to prove that you can support yourself and that you are a serious student. The U.S. Department of State may allow you to renew your visa without requiring an interview, but be prepared for an additional interview just in case. Stay calm, answer the questions that they ask, and have the documents below to be able to support your answers to the visa officer's questions.

  1. Valid passport for at least six months into the future
  2. Signed I-20 from DBU
  3. Receipt for paid I-901 Visa Application Fee
  4. Evidence of financial support proving enough funds for the entire length of study at DBU
  5. Visa Renewal Letter from the International Department (Request this letter in your Immigration Portal)
  6. Official Transcripts
  7. Proof of relationship for dependents

Frequently Asked Questions

What’s an F-1 Visa?

The F-1 visa is the most commonly used visa stamp for international students studying in the United States. The F-1 student visa's primary intent is to study in the USA and to complete an educational objective.

Non-Immigrant Visa: What does that mean?

The F-1 visa is a non-immigration visa. This visa category requires that you do not intend to immigrate to the USA, and you do intend to leave the USA when you complete your studies. You must have a permanent address outside of the USA to which you will return and not abandon. Officers must deny F-1 visas if they believe you have the intent to immigrate to the USA. It is your responsibility to prove that you are not immigrating to get the visa stamp.

When can I apply for a visa?

You may apply for a visa up to 120 days before the start date on your I-20.

Check your embassy/consulate wait times to see how long it will take to get a visa. During peak times, some embassies could have a waiting period of 6 weeks or more. Also, give yourself time to receive your passport back after the visa is approved. Do not wait too long to apply for the visa, or you may miss the semester.

Can I bring my spouse or children?

The F visa allows you to bring dependents with you. You may bring your spouse, or your children if they are younger than 21 years old.

Additional documentation:

  • Spouse: Spouse's passport, your Marriage Certificate, and translation if not in English.
  • Children: Each child's passport and birth certificate showing they are your children.

You will need to show additional funds for each dependent.

Work and Study Restrictions

  • Study: An F-2 may only study Part-Time at a SEVIS approved school.
  • Work: F-2 dependents may not work.
I am a student in, from, or born in Cameroon, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, or Gambia. How should I pay for the I-901 fee?

Students in, from, or born in Cameroon, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, and Gambia, or a third party submitting the payment on their behalf cannot use a credit card to pay their I-901 Student and Exchange Visitor fee. You will need to pay through Western Union or check/money order. See online instructions at >>

  • Dependents – do not pay the fee for dependents. Just the primary F-1/J-1 needs to pay the fee.
I am a transfer student. Do I need to repay the I-901 fee?

Transfer Students do not need to repay the I-901 fee if you are transferring an I-20 for which you already paid. The fee needs to be paid only if your SEVIS ID number changes (N00...).

Do I need to pay the I-901 fee for any dependents I plan on bringing?

You do not need to pay the fee for dependents. Just the primary F-1/J-1 needs to pay the fee.