Summer Institutes
Dallas Institute

Summer 2025 Dates: June 6-14
Students begin their Ph.D. experience in the Dallas Institute on the main campus of Dallas Baptist University. This week begins with the opportunity to meet the Cook School of Leadership faculty, Program Director, Dr. Mary Nelson; Dean, Dr. Blake Killingsworth; and President, Dr. Adam Wright, at a welcome dinner hosted the Friday night before seminars begin on Saturday morning. The week is dedicated to orienting students to the program, becoming acclimated to their cohort, and establishing familiarity with some of the foundational theories and objectives taught throughout the program.
The seminar will introduce the idea that the most effective leaders are servant leaders who integrate lifelong learning with personal growth, professional competencies, and global awareness. In the Dallas Institute seminars, cohort members will build upon self-knowledge related to their understanding and practice of leadership. Students will establish baseline leadership traits, styles and skills in order to develop their personal and professional goals toward effective growth. Our faculty introduces the student to the formative processes of conducting research for academic and publication purposes. A servant leader theme forms the backdrop for study with the end goal of producing Christian scholars, servant leaders, and global thinkers. Different ways of knowing will be examined through study of three research paradigms: quantitative, qualitative, and humanities. Seminar participants will be able to initiate, conduct, and complete a research assignment by applying skills learned within the seminar. Students are also introduced to creative and critical thinking and writing skills, the formation and development of an argument as well as steps to avoiding faulty reasoning.
Washington, D.C. Institute

Summer 2025 Dates: July 9-18
Students begin year two with the unique opportunity to broaden their exposure to political leadership by experiencing our nation’s capital through our Washington, D.C. Institute. Scholarly seminars and historic tours lead by our faculty will provide insights into political history and theory, as well as admittance into some of the America’s most noted leadership forums.
During the Washington, D.C. Institute seminars, cohort members will examine organizations from a sociological perspective and gain a comprehensive understanding of both the classical and contemporary theoretical and practical workings of organizations. Chaos, complexity theory, and appreciative theory will also be addressed, along with the common and diverse elements of structures, rational, natural, and open systems perspectives, and applications to business, public bureaucracies, hospitals, and schools. Social themes such as justice, diversity, and human relationships within the context of power in civic and government structures and organizations will also be addressed. These seminars will challenge students to develop a compelling personal vision that will engage others by offering meaning, dignity, and purpose, emphasizing the resilience necessary for successful adaptation and transformation despite risk and adversity.
Oxford Institute

Summer 2025 Dates: June 25 – July 6
In year three, summer institute seminars take place on the historic campus of the University of Oxford, England. While in Oxford, our students will reside at Regent’s Park College, one of six Permanent Private Halls at Oxford University. Regent’s Park College is located in the heart of Oxford and in walking distance to many of Oxford’s most historic sites.
During these seminars, students will explore issues associated with the impact of leadership upon global communities. Readings and assignments before the trip will prepare the students to engage in the application of knowledge regarding global and social systems as they have related historically to leadership, with special attention to policy analysis. Identifying and differentiating between the several approaches to systems-thinking and change will help to draw implications for leadership within varied cultures and the relationship between, and problems associated with, both historical and contemporary global systems and technology. All of these discussions will interact with Christian historical perspectives as well. Students will also synthesize the interdisciplinary content of the leadership core with an emphasis upon casting a values-based vision of personal leadership. Students and faculty will explore issues associated with the impact upon society of leadership in the past, now and in the future. Another component of this institute will be to engage in the application of knowledge regarding global and social systems as they have related historically to leadership with special attention to the impact upon the future of leadership.