Academic Papers - Page 10

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"What Does it Really Mean to Know Something? The Contribution of Michael Polanyi to Science and Education"

"It was an era characterized by a 'logic of destruction' (if destruction can, indeed, be termed 'logical') that prompted the the Jewish, Hungarian scientist Michael Polanyi  to turn his attention away from his acclaimed research..."

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"Who Made, Who Marr'd, and Who Has Ransom'd Man: Worldview and the Work of William Cowper"

"In referring poetically to the when and why of adolescent learning about the creation of world and humankind, the fall of the same into sin, and to Christian redemption, Cowper encapsulates the core content of a biblical worldview..."

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"Whose Faith? Which Worldview? Human Nature and the Academic Enterprise"

"Human history has been characterized perennially by intense disagreements over fundamental matters of consequence. Ardent differences about how people ought to think and act in regard to life-determining issues are a chief trait of the human condition..."

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"Wilhelm Dilthey's Doctrine of World Views and its Relationship to Hermeneutics"

"Wilhelm Dilthey , whom José Ortega y Gasset called 'the most important philosopher in the second half of the nineteenth century,' was a man of passion, vision, and calling. The great crises of his age gripped his soul and propelled him..."

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"WithoutWax: Reflections on Dr. Naugle's Trip to China"

"According to some etymologists (those who study the history of words), the English term 'sincere' is derived from the Latin roots sine which means 'without' and cere which denotes 'wax.' 'Sincere,' then, would literally mean 'without wax.'..."

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"The Works of Love"

"The very first observation ever made about us as human beings, an observation made by God as the only One who could truly make it, expresses just how deeply the need for love is grounded in our human nature..."

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A Worldview Bibliography

Index: Section 1: Christian Worldview
Section 2: Worldview, Theology and Biblical Studies
Section 3: Worldview, Missions, and Evangelism
Section 4: Worldview and Philosophy
Section 5: Worldview and Natural Science
Section 6: Worldview, Anthropology and Folklore...

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“Worldview as a Concept: Prospects and Perils”

"I was struck by this quote when I first read it, and I am still struck by it today. After all, what could be more important or powerful than the way individuals conceptualize reality? Is any thing more fundamental than a person’s set of presuppositions..."

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Worldview, Worship, and Way of Life: How Worship Helps Us See the World

"There are three sets of questions that the title of this talk evokes. Let me try to state them as succinctly as possible. First of all, what doctrinal guidance and influence should a Christian worldview have on the content and character..."