Academic Papers - Page 9

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"St. Augustine's Concept of Disordered Love and its Contemporary Application"

"Toward the conclusion of Augustine's De Civitate Dei, a work which he himself described as a 'magnum opus et arduum' he esteemed Doctor of the Church penned one of the most profound and poetic descriptions of the mystery and genius of man..."

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"Stoic and Christian Conceptions of Happiness"

"With reference to the Western concept of courage, the 'theologian of culture' Paul Tillich (1886-1965) once wrote that Stoicism is 'the only real alternative to Christianity in the Western world.' Affinities between these two Weltanschauungen..."

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"Ten Lectures of the Concept of Worldview"

"Intellectual objective: to comprehend the nature and implications of the concept of worldview, to understand the impact of worldview, to understand the impact of contemporary culture on the intellectual, moral and spiritual formation of believers..."

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"The Academy of Popular Culture and Christian Education ~ Cultivating Inquiry"

"Have you heard of or perhaps even played the video or computer game called SimCIty? In playing SimCity, where the prefix Sim is used as an abbreviation for 'simulation' or 'simulated,' players act as city leaders..."

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“Worldview: Definitions, History, and Importance of a Concept”

“'But there are some people, nevertheless — and I am one of them — who think that the most practical and important thing about a man is still his view of the universe. We think that for a landlady'"

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"Time, History, Advent: A Meditation on the Meaning of the Advent Season"

"The Christian faith teaches that time and history are very important. The Church has taught throughout the centuries that time is God’s creation and gift. She also believes that history, as the unfolding of time..."

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"Towards a Christian Perspective of Adult Education"

"In his landmark book The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, MIT philosopher and historian of science Thomas Kuhn argued that revolutions in scientific procedures and conceptions occur when newly emerging findings..."

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"Trousered Apes, Urban Blockheads, Men Without Chests: C. S. Lewis's Philosophy of Education in The Abolition of Man"

In his relatively recent book Achieving Our Country (Harvard University Press, 1999), the noted postmodern philosopher Richard Rorty describes the attitude of American pragmatic culture as the “refusal to believe in the existence of Truth'..."

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"A Vision for Campus Ministry"

This is a recently edited version of the vision statement of the campus ministry that Dr. Naugle directed at UT-Arlington in the mid-1980s. - "At the center of the ministry of College Life is the worship of the triune God..."

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“A Vision of the Heart — A Biblical Worldview and Christian Higher Education”

"Has anyone ever accused you of being a 'heavy thinker' or a 'problem thinker,' or recommended that you attend a or recommended that you attend a 'TA' meeting, 'Thinkers Anonymous?' Well, here is one person’s story!"