dallas college student studying in university computer lab

Maintenance Schedules

If service downtime is expected to go beyond the maintenance windows listed below, DBU IT will notify users.

Network Operations Maintenance

Wednesay and Saturday, from 11:00 pm to 8 am the next day

Services potentially affected or interrupted by campus network maintenance include campus internet access, Wi-Fi, the university web presence, all online services, departmental networks maintained by Network Services, file servers, phone systems, and other services usually accessed through the campus network.

System Operations Maintenance

Tuesday and Friday, from 10 pm to 6 am the next day

Significant upgrades to servers managed by IT Services are scheduled for times that have minimal impact on the users of a particular system. Routine maintenance typically includes OS and application patches, driver updates, and firmware updates.

Enterprise System Maintenance

Tuesday, from 11 pm to 2 am the next day

Services potentially affected or interrupted include Colleague, ColleagueUI, Informer Reporting, Self-Service, Touchnet, OnBase, and other services managed by the IT Programming Department.