Mathematics Major (BA/BS)
The course offerings for the Mathematics Major provide a basic foundation for entry into careers requiring mathematical training, teaching mathematics at the secondary level, or graduate study in mathematics or related fields. The curriculum also provides courses that support study in computer science, business, the natural and social sciences, nursing and pre-medical studies, and teacher preparation.
- Total Credit Hours: 120 Minimum**
- Program Length: 4 Years (average) for full-time students
- Degree Requirements with Course Descriptions:
- Additional Information (Career Opportunities, Class Information, Degree Information, etc.)
- Natural Science and Mathematics Minors
** Check individual degree requirements for specific total credit hours.
Designed to Meet Your Needs
Course Convenience
DBU offers classes in a variety of formats, including:
- Classroom
- Hybrid (Classroom and Online)*
- Online*
*Selected courses are available in the formats listed. View the current Schedule of Classes for specific courses.
Classes Start
Generally, classes begin four times a year:
- Spring
- Summer
- Fall
- Winter
Degree Plan
View Mathematics (BA) Degree Requirements >>
View Mathematics (BS) Degree Requirements >>
Teaching Certification
Students considering a career teaching mathematics and plan to teach grades are required to meet the general studies requirements for receiving a teacher certification.
- Elementary (Grades 4-8)
- Secondary (Grades 7-12)
Travel Opportunities
In addition to mission trips, DBU periodically offers students travel opportunities to earn course credit.
Alumni Testimonial
Jason Webb | Mathematics Major

"What I found at DBU was knowledge for my mind and peace for my soul. The serenity of the campus combined with friendships among the students created a nurturing environment that I found conducive to learning."