Teacher Certification 4-8
Students planning to be certified to teach Grades 4-8 will secure an interdisciplinary academic major and meet the appropriate general studies requirements. The interdisciplinary academic major for Grades 4-8 is available for:
To be eligible for Texas certification, students complete course requirements that follow the State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC) standards for Grades 4-8. Students follow a course of study which includes the following components (found in the degree plans linked above):
- General Studies Requirements
- Professional Responsibility
- Interdisciplinary Academic Major
- Sufficient electives to complete the 120-credit-hour minimum for the bachelor's degree, which includes 42 upper-level credit hours
Students must be admitted into the Educator Preparation Program according to the policies set by the College of Education.
Retention in the Educator Preparation Program Students must maintain and graduate with an overall institutional GPA of 3.0 and must maintain and graduate with an institutional GPA of 3.0 in their teaching fields/academic concentrations.
Building Leaders for Education
Lydia Long | Elementary Education | Granbury, TX
"Stemming from this passion for children’s well-being, I immensely enjoy educating children. Children are, in my opinion, the greatest evidence of a Divine God. The way each child’s mind works intricately and beautifully remains fascinating and worthy of lifetimes of study. Learning remains a God-given tool to which all children should be given access so that they might learn more about their Creator and His creation. Teachers place the great tool of learning into children’s hands, and without the excellent education I am receiving at Dallas Baptist University, I would not be as well equipped to pass on this tool of learning.
While educating children remains my calling, obtaining the degree necessary to do so remains costly. Without the support of generous scholarships, I would be unable to begin saving money towards building my future classroom. Particularly, the Mary Crowley scholarship I receive enables me to begin saving money otherwise spent on school. This money will enable me to buy books for my classroom which will, in turn, enable young minds to begin their own educational journey."