Benefits of Earning a Double Major and Tips to Succeed

College students who graduated celebrating by tossing graduation caps up in the air in Dallas, Texas

Pursuing a double major might seem daunting — it can feel like a lot of work! However, majoring in two areas of study has several rewards. The top among them is that broadening your knowledge helps expand career opportunities as you follow your calling and walk God's path.

If you're considering a double major at a Christian college, DBU offers many options in a variety of fields. As a Christian university, DBU has advisors and professors who are marked by service and genuinely want to help students succeed in completing a double major as they experience and enjoy a Christ-focused educational journey.

So, what is a double major? What are the benefits of earning a double major? What are the best double majors for Christians? This guide answers these questions and offers tips for pursuing a double major as efficiently as possible.

What Is a Double Major?

When you earn a double major, you fulfill the credit requirements for two majors under a single degree program. The disciplines are typically related, and the second major replaces the typical academic minor for many degrees.

Most bachelor's degrees are 120 credits, and some degree programs, such as Business, only have a few opportunities for electives. You can still earn double majors with these degrees, but you may have to continue your education a little longer to complete your required courses in both majors.

However, some degree programs, such as Management and Entrepreneurship, offer greater opportunities for double-majoring. Ultimately, pursuing a double major works best for degrees that include many electives, such as a B.A. in Psychology, Communications, or Biblical Studies.

Benefits of Earning a Double Major

Enrolling in a double major is a big decision that requires dedication and extra effort. As always, it's vital to seek God's direction in your educational journey and lean on your faith and scriptural promises for strength.

As Proverbs 3:6 (ESV) states, "In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths."

For many students, pursuing a double major is worth the extra effort and can yield multiple rewards. Here are some benefits of getting a double major:

  • It can make your resume stand out from competitors in a crowded workforce. Potential employers also know achieving a double major is a sign of motivation and hard work. DBU's Career Services team can help coach you through building a resume.
  • Developing knowledge in two areas of study can present more job opportunities.
  • It can lead to higher earnings. A study published in Cambridge University Press showed that students with double majors in a STEM field and business earn more than graduates with a single major.
  • A double major offers a backup plan. If there are fewer opportunities in one field, you can get a job in another.
  • It broadens your knowledge and enhances your skill set, which you can utilize in your career and as you serve your community.
  • A double major can also expand your professional network.

What Are the Best Double Majors for Christians?

"As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace." - 1 Peter 4:10 ESV

The scripture encourages Christians to use their gifts to serve others. Double major DBU graduates can significantly impact neighborhoods and communities beyond the classroom by expanding how they can use their unique God-given gifts and talents while leveraging newly acquired knowledge.

In providing a Christ-focused higher education, DBU helps produce servant leaders who are excellent at what they do and have a passion for serving others. The world needs Christian doctors, lawyers, teachers, accountants, business owners, and other professionals in every occupation and industry.

As you consider potential double major fields of study, remember to choose majors that match your career interests and align with your calling. Some students follow a ministry-related career path, but you can be a witness for Christ in any profession.

DBU offers over 75 undergraduate majors. Here are some double major ideas, some of which are paired with ministry majors.

These are just a few ideas. You can make many more double major combinations. Ultimately, your double major picks should match your career interests and passions. With God's guidance, they should also help you fulfill your calling. You can also get support from a DBU Career Services team member and your advisor.

Tips for Efficiently Managing a Double Major

As with all endeavors, trust the Lord during your double major journey and turn to the scriptures for strength when needed.

Following these tips from Indeed can help you manage double major requirements more efficiently:

  • Choose majors in related fields that enable you to complete the same degree. For example, both majors fulfill a Bachelor of Arts degree (BA).
  • Develop a course selection/scheduling plan early to ensure you meet the requirements for both degrees.
  • Choose courses that satisfy the requirements for both majors as much as possible, saving you time and money.
  • Develop and practice effective study habits and use apps, planners, and other time management tools to help meet class requirements and deadlines.
  • Satisfy general education requirements early to focus on major requirements later.
  • Form a relationship with both advisors for both majors early in your process and meet with them regularly to assess your progress and get advice.
  • Prioritize time for personal and spiritual rest and rejuvenation to help reduce stress.

DBU Guidance on Pursuing a Double Major

Students who want to pursue a double major at Dallas Baptist University must fulfill all course requirements for both majors, as noted in the catalog. Both majors must share common course requirements and have a minimum of 18 credit hours distinctive to the second major that are completely separate from the first major. Find more information on DBU's double major requirements here.

Ultimately, with prayer, faith, dedication, and perseverance, motivated students can complete double majors that open professional doors and present many opportunities to enjoy serving others in their careers and callings.

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