Ceremony Information for Graduating Students
How to Apply for Graduation
How does the graduation process begin?
Students must apply for graduation. Deadline dates are posted in each Schedule of Classes and also in the Graduation Application Packet. Packets are available online, in the Professional Studies office.
Graduating students must have a $0.00 balance in order to take final exams, participate in Commencement, obtain a transcript, or receive a diploma. Additionally, all books must be returned to the library and all fines paid. For more information, contact the Cashier’s Office at (214) 333-5336.
What happens once I turn in my application?
The graduation officer will audit your transcript and degree audit to ensure you are on track to complete your degree requirements. You will be notified by mail of the results and given further instructions.
Is there a fee to apply for graduation?
Yes, a Graduation Fee is charged to your DBU account if the application is received prior to the posted deadline on the graduation application. Please refer to the graduation application deadlines listed below:
$50.00 Early - by the Early Application Deadline below
$100.00 Regular - after the Early deadline but 4 weeks prior to Graduation
$200.00 Late #1 - 4 weeks or less from the Graduation date
$300.00 Late #2 - 1-5 Business Days before Graduation
$500.00 Late #3 - Day of Graduation and After
Graduation Date |
Early Ends |
Regular Ends |
Late Fees Begin |
May 14, 2025 |
11/05/24 |
04/14/25 |
04/15/25 |
Aug. 07, 2025 |
04/04/25 |
07/10/25 |
07/11/25 |
Dec. 18, 2025 |
06/05/25 |
11/23/25 |
11/24/25 |
Commencement Ceremony Information
Is there a rehearsal?
Yes. Rehearsals for 10:00 a.m. services begin at 8:00 a.m. Rehearsals for 3:00 p.m. services begin at 1:00 p.m. Graduates are REQUIRED to attend the rehearsal.
Are tickets issued for seating?
No. Tickets are not issued for attendance; however, graduates are limited to 6 guests. Guests should arrive 45 minutes prior to each commencement time.
If I am a graduate, what do I do the day of my commencement?
Report to the Pilgrim Chapel Sanctuary at your designated rehearsal time, wearing your cap and gown. You will be seated according to degree with various instructions given promptly at the rehearsal time.
If I cannot attend commencement, how do I receive my diploma?
Contact the graduation officer in the Registrar's Office at (214) 333‑5141 for information on receiving your diploma after your graduation date.
Can I participate in commencement if I still have coursework or Chapel credits outstanding or incomplete?
No. It is DBU policy that all degree requirements, including Chapel if required, are successfully completed and grades submitted by the appropriate deadline. Questions concerning Chapel should be directed to chapel@dbu.edu.
Can I participate in commencement if I have balance on my account with the Cashier?
All students must pay account balances in full by the published deadlines posted in the Graduation Application Packet to participate in commencement. Specific questions should be directed to the Cashier's Office (214) 333‑5336.
Graduating students who submit payment by check after the payment due date will not be eligible to receive a diploma until at least 14 business days after the date in which the check is received. Students who submit payment after the payment due date are strongly encouraged to pay with credit/debit cards or cash to ensure participation and the receipt of their diploma on their scheduled commencement date.
Should you fail to take care of your existing balance, you will be denied access to final exams, final semester grades, transcripts, commencement exercises, and your diploma upon graduation.
Where can I purchase regalia?
Graduates may purchase regalia at Grad Finale (an event held a few weeks prior to each graduation date). Graduates who are unable to attend Grad Finale are required to purchase regalia through the DBU Bookstore at least two weeks before the commencement day.
Students may place orders for graduation regalia directly through the DBU Bookstore by calling (214) 333-5443.
- Bachelor Unit (Cap, Gown, and Tassel): $52.98
- Master Unit (Cap, Gown, Tassel, and Hood): $90.00
- Doctoral graduates should contact their program director for regalia information.
Clothing Requirements >>
When is commencement rehearsal and what will we do?
Rehearsal is in the Pilgrim Chapel Sanctuary and begins at 8:00 a.m. for 10:00 a.m. services and 1:00 p.m. for 3:00 p.m. services. Rehearsal is required for all students planning to participate in Commencement. Graduates must be on time for rehearsal. Students who do not attend rehearsal will not be allowed to walk in the Commencement Service. Attendance at rehearsal will be checked.
For security reasons, leave purses and other valuables locked in a vehicle when coming to rehearsal. We are not able to secure them during the ceremony. Undergraduate students graduating with honors will receive medals during rehearsal.
Robing and Processional
Immediately following the rehearsal, graduates will follow the assigned faculty marshal to a designated room for line up. The faculty marshal will assist in lining up alphabetically. At the appropriate time, the processional will proceed to the Pilgrim Chapel Sanctuary. Upon arrival at the designated seat, please remain standing until told to be seated. Men remove their caps for prayer.
What do I do when I receive my diploma?
At the time of conferring degrees, graduates will be asked to stand. The person calling the names will make an introductory statement. Following that statement, the first row of candidates will move into the assigned position. Other rows remain seated until it is their turn. Faculty marshals will direct graduates when it is time to stand and move into position. Graduates will first form a line for photos and then move to a designated stopping point. As names are called, the representative from the Registrar’s Office will indicate when graduates are to walk toward the president to receive their diploma. Graduates should wait until their name is called before proceeding across the stage. After receiving the diploma, graduates return to assigned seats.
What arrangements are available for students who are in wheelchairs or who cannot maneuver stairs or long distance walking?
It is important that students with disabilities be aware that stairways are involved in the processional prior to the commencement services. Elevators are available, but we request that students requiring an elevator advise us of this need in advance of the commencement day. Please contact Colby Williamson, Associate Dean of Students, at colby@dbu.edu or (214) 333-5706.