Dr. Philip Irving Mitchell

Director of the University Honors Program at Dallas Baptist University.
Contact Information:
(214) 333-5226
Philip Mitchell is the Director of the University Honors Program at Dallas Baptist University.
Professor of English, he is deeply interested in the intersection of theology, literature, history, philosophy, and culture. His book, The Shared Witness of C.S. Lewis and Austin Farrer: Friendship, Influence, and an Anglican Worldview, is published by Kent State University (2021).
Dr. Mitchell is a contributor to such journals as the Journal of Inklings Studies, Logos, Mythlore, Religion and Arts, Seven, and Tolkien Studies.
He also has chapters included in Baptism of Fire: The Birth of the Modern British Fantastic in World War I (2015), The Christian College Phenomenon (2012), and Approaches to Teaching Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings and Other Works (2015).
- "A Quest for Coherence: T. S. Eliot as Public Intellectual." Christianity & Literature 71.3 (2022): 425-443.
- “Gregory of Nazianzus, On My Own Verses.” Introduction and Translation. In Learning the Good Life: Wisdom from the Great Hearts and Minds that Came Before. Eds. Jessica Hooten Wilson and Jacob Stratman. Zondervan Academic, 2022. 24-28.
- "Eric Charles Rust (1910-1991), Baptist Philosopher of History and Science.” More Witnesses to the Baptist Heritage: Twenty-Four More Baptists Every Christian Should Know. Ed. Michael E. Williams, Sr. Macon, Georgia: Mercer UP, 2021. 173-182.
- "The Excessive Event: Four British Church Dramas (1934-1951) and the Phenomenology of the Communion of the Saints.” Religion and Literature 51.3-52.1 (Autumn 2019-Spring 2020): 145-168.
- “‘Written by the Finger of God’: C. S. Lewis and Historical Judgment.” Mythlore 38.2 (2020): 5-23.
- “‘Raised by Implication’: C. S. Lewis’s Studies in Words and Historical and Moral Judgment.” Sehnsucht 12 (2018):13-40.
- “Civilizational Sickness and the Suspended Middle: R. G. Collingwood, Christopher Dawson, and Historical Judgment.” Logos 21.3 (Summer 2018): 85-113.
- “Being Given Orthodoxy: G. K. Chesterton, Jean-Luc Marion, and the Converting Event.” Journal of Religion and the Arts 20 (2016): 290-314.
- “'A Deplorable Misfit’: The Symbolism of Desire in G. K. Chesterton’s The Crimes of England.” In Baptism of Fire: The Birth of the Modern British Fantastic in World War I, ed. Janet Brennan Croft. Altadena: Mythopoeic P, 2015. 209-233.
- “Conceptions of the Pastoral in The Fellowship of the Ring.” In Approaches to Teaching The Lord of the Rings and Other Works. ed. Leslie A. Donovan. New York: Modern Language Association, 2015. 108-113. [Finalist for the 2017 Mythopoeic Scholarship Award]
- “’ So Numerous, So Cheap, So Changing’: G. K. Chesterton and the Speed of Modernity.” Inklings Studies 5.1 (April 2015): 121-145.
- “Adventurous Types: G. K. Chesterton’s Varied Types and the Wisdom in Historical Verisimilitude.” SEVEN 31 (2014): 63-78.
- “’ Love is Greater than Taste’: The Moral Architecture of John Betjeman and John Piper.” Christianity and Literature 63.2 (Winter 2014): 257-284.
- “’ But Grace is not Infinite’: Tolkien’s Explorations of Nature and Grace in His Catholic Context” Mythlore 31:3/4 (Spr/Sum 2013): 61-82.
- “’ Recession and Thickness Through’: The Debate over Nature and Grace in David Jones’s Roman Poetry and Painting.” Logos 15 (Summer 2012): 60-89.
- “’ Legend and History Have Met and Fused’: The Interlocution of Anthropology, Historiography, and Incarnation in J.R.R. Tolkien’s ‘On Fairy-stories.” Tolkien Studies 8 (2011):1-22.
- "Thick Ecumenism: The Possibility of Enlarging our Circles at Christian Colleges and Universities." in The Christian College Phenomenon, Eds. Samuel Joekel and Thomas Chesnes. Abilene: Abilene Christian University Press, 2011. 77-88.
- "I Want Some Freedom for My People: Baptists, Great Texts, and Honors Education." Journal of Education and Christian Belief 14.2 (Autumn 2010): 47-68.