Movement DFW 2019 Hosted by DBU

On February 23, DBU hosted Movement Day as a longtime partner of the organization.
The event was initially hosted in Manhattan in 2010 by Four years later, Movement DFW was launched as the first global expansion city of the movement after a conversation between Mac Pier, Tim Keller, and Bob Doll. Movement DFW came to fruition out of root challenges facing the city.
Movement DFW’s chief mission is to unite the church around the common goal to push against the spiritual, humanitarian, and social problems that plague the city, while spreading the Gospel of Christ in the process.
Core initiatives of the movement include transforming early childhood education, battling childhood poverty, jump-starting spiritual transformation in a city where a large number of young adults are leaving the church, racial reconciliation and unity, eradicating bible poverty by 2033, and planning a Millennial Gospel Movement in 2022 with the partnership of NxtMove.
Speakers at Movement DFW sought to speak truth into these topics and challenged the church to unite under a common goal to remedy the problems. Movement DFW 2019 included speakers from all walks of life that addressed such topics with honesty and encouragement.
Some of this year’s speakers included Former First Lady Laura Bush, who spoke on early childhood education; Dr. Mac Pier, Founder and CEO of; Mart Green, Founder and CEO of Mardel Christian and Educational Supply; Grant Skeldon, Founder of Initiative Network in Dallas; John Maisel, Founder, Chairman, and Emeritus of East West Ministries; Dr. Adam Wright, President of Dallas Baptist University; and Dr. Mark Bailey, President of Dallas Theological Seminary.
As of 2018, 15 different cities in 5 different continents have launched a Movement Day.
Faith Myers is a member of University Communications at Dallas Baptist University.