From serving pancakes and driving vans on South Padre Island to touring the Stock Exchange in the heart of New York City, our Patriots were hard at work learning and serving across America this Spring Break. With over 150 participants spanning six trips, students across all disciplines embarked on transformational experiences alongside their peers.
For Tiffany Coleman, Dallas Baptist University was more than just a place of learning—it was a transformative chapter of faith, friendship, and purpose. A 2010 graduate with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and a 2013 graduate with a Master of Arts in Counseling, Tiffany's journey at DBU laid the foundation for a life devoted to service and faith.
Dallas Baptist University welcomed several hundred students and guests to the [un]Apologetic Evangelism Conference, a two-day event designed to equip believers with practical tools for sharing their faith. Held from February 28 to March 1, 2025, in Pilgrim Chapel, the conference provided a space for attendees to engage in deep discussions on evangelism and apologetics in today’s ever-changing culture.
The Veritas Lecture Series took place on February 20th; where Russ Ramsey presented a lecture titled Pursuing Perfection: Michelangelo’s David and Our Hunger for Glory, followed by a conversation with Dr. Brent Taylor.
Since its opening in the fall of 2009, the beacon of hope that is Pilgrim Chapel has steadily drawn many people close to God’s heart. In honor of the chapel’s 15-year anniversary, we give God thanks for the great things he has done with anticipation for all He is yet to do. The construction of Pilgrim Chapel, the most iconic building on the DBU campus, was the culmination of answered prayers over a period of decades.
In response to the alarming increase in global religious persecution, Garlyn and La Juan Shelton donated $1 million to establish the Center for Global Religious Freedom (CGRF) on the DBU campus. The Sheltons are gracious friends of the University, and we are deeply grateful for their faithful support and for their inspiring vision to protect religious freedom throughout the world.
Dr. Jason Allen, president of the Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, addressed DBU students in chapel. He encouraged and challenged them to embrace the Lord rather than earthly things.
President of Texas Baptists, Dr. Ronny Marriott, addressed the DBU student body and spoke of the importance of unity and love amid a divisive world.
DBU students gathered on Wed. September 25 to pray for our world, nation, and students worldwide to honor the 'See You at the Pole' tradition started over 30 years ago.
Learn what's happening within the MA in Christian Counseling program at DBU this fall!
MATS Alumnus Michael Crumpler shares the story of his ministry journey after graduating from DBU.
Read the story about DBU alumnus Tommy Derrick, who graduated from the Graduate School of Ministry's Master of Arts in Global Leadership program in August 2017.
DBU hosted this special luncheon to honor the many ministries in the DFW area that we partner with and serve alongside. OurCalling was named this year's Community Partner of the Year
Check out this month's Commissional Corner from the Master of Arts in Global Leadership program featuring a few of our spring graduates!
The DBU Prayer Ministry hosted the annual National Day of Prayer Breakfast on May 2. DBU Faculty and Staff gathered together to pray for our campus, our leaders, and our country.
Editor-in-Chief of Christianity Today, Russell Moore, spoke to the DBU Family on the importance of adhering to God's values amidst our fallen world.
Christian leaders around DFW gathered on the DBU campus to learn from prolific leaders about equipping and developing the next generation of leaders.
Dr. Stephen Gaukroger addressed DBU students in chapel and DBU faculty and staff during a special luncheon where he spoke about the future of the church.
Prolific author Tish Harrison Warren spoke to the DBU Family about the topics discussed in her best-selling book, Liturgy of the Ordinary: Sacred Practices in Everyday Life.
Daughter of Chick-fil-A founder Trudy Cathy White addressed DBU students in chapel. She shared her story of being the youngest franchise owner in company history and how the Lord has utilized her and her family to further the Kingdom.
The Inaugural Nexus Ministry Leadership Conference was filled with practical insights, inspiring stories, and learning opportunities from ministry leaders who explored what it means to "Lead like Jesus."
Brent Leatherwood, President of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, headlined Veritas in February. He challenged the audience to invest in our communities and have Jesus at the center.
Dr. Jeremiah Johnston will serve the IGE by editing an academic journal, expanding the reach of DBU, and engaging with students by teaching classes and speaking in chapel services.
Dr. Tyler Cooper of Cooper Aerobics recently spoke to students at DBU Chapel about their spiritual journeys with Christ toward the ultimate summit of heaven.
DBU hosted this year’s Texas Baptists Conclave NextGen Conference, a two-day event of spiritual encouragement, ministry training and resourcing, networking, and meaningful times of worship geared towards children, youth, and family ministry staff from local churches.
Dr. Mary Nelson, Director of the Ph.D. in Leadership Studies, recently spoke to students and faculty about the leadership that Dietrich Bonhoeffer exercised through his writing, especially during the difficult days of his incarceration by the Nazi Third Reich.
The DBU Graduate School and the MS in Information Technology and Management program invited expert Dr. Kyle Roberts, Data Scientist and Client Success Leader at Resultant, to weigh in on the future implications of AI and faith.
DBU Professor of Biblical Studies Dr. Joseph Matos offers valuable insight into four principles from the New Testament that help us better understand how we can most effectively fulfill our ministry.
As part of the MAGL 5336 course, Dr. Mark and his students served alongside Swerve Church in Brooklyn, New York, this past Spring Break on a short-term mission trip.
After graduating with his Master of Arts in Global Leadership in 2017, Hayden Garner has since stepped into his role as Area Director for Young Life North Texas Capernaum, where he leads their outreach program for young people with disabilities.
After 14 years of serving the Lord in different capacities, DBU is excited to welcome Dr. Aaron Son back to campus as he assumes his role as a Professor of Biblical Studies.
After graduating from DBU in 2013, Lieutenant Jason Webb has been faithfully serving in the United States Navy. Now, Jason dives into a new adventure without fear as he studies at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in their 2N Naval Construction and Engineering Program.
After attending the annual No Need Among You Conference, a number of DBU students have returned with new perspectives and renewed excitement to spread the gospel.
The DBU Family was pleased to welcome Dr. Carl Trueman onto campus as the featured speaker of the fall's Institute for Global Engagement lecture series.
Dallas Baptist University was proud to host Dr. Irene Gallegos on campus as the BGCT Christian Life Commission named this 2012 DBU graduate to oversee the Texas Baptist Hunger Offering and Community Care Grants.
Dallas Baptist University was honored to welcome Baptist General Convention of Texas’s Dr. Katie Frugé to speak in Chapel about the redemptive hope of Christ found within John chapter 18.
As the semester begins, the Graduate School of Ministry encourages Dallas Baptist Patriots to lean into the Lord for strength and delivers practical reminders to help students run the race with excellence this year.
As a part of the 15th annual luncheon honoring DBU's community partners, Dallas Baptist University was privileged to honor Amy Ford, President of Embrace Grace.
Dr. Travis Dickinson explores the importance and value of curiosity from a biblical standpoint and encourages students to pursue intellectual curiosity in order to more closely know our Savior.
Dr. Ross O'Brien serves as the Director of the Center for Business as Mission and as a Professor of Management at Dallas Baptist University. Today, we sit down with Dr. O'Brien as he gives insight into why he chooses to teach and his goal for each student that sits in his classroom.
Each year, Dallas Baptist University honors individuals who have impacted our neighboring community of Oak Cliff through the annual Oak Cliff Good Samaritan Dinner.
In honor of DBU's annual International Week on campus, the Patriot family welcomed Rani Espanioly of S.A.L.A.M. in the Holy Land to speak in the International Chapel service.
Dallas Baptist University welcomed Dr. Vincent Bacote all the way from Wheaton College in Wheaton, Illinois to speak in a recent Friday symposium on the topic of the Gospel possibility in the face of race.
This Easter, we celebrate the resurrection of our Savior by remembering the Paschal Triduum – the "Great Three Days." With great hope and expectation, we look to the risen Christ, the One who became sin for us, so that we, too, may one day rise with Him.
Established in 2003 at DBU, the Gallup Lecture Series is a forum for distinguished scholars, public officials, and government leaders to share their insights with the University community. This year, DBU welcomed Dr. Paul Haidostian from Beirut, Lebanon, to speak.
DBU current undergraduate student Jeremiah Austin shares insight into the call upon his life to preach, explains how the Lord has confirmed this calling throughout his life, and offers encouragement to those who are called to do the same.
The Master of Arts in Global Leadership program highlights the life of student worker Ashley Cooke.
As Patriots return to campus and begin the spring 2022 semester, DBU welcomed DBU Board of Trustees member and friend Scott Turner to speak in the first chapel service of the new year.
DBU was proud to host the 2021 Consecrate Conference on campus, featuring a number of notable authors and Christian leaders.
As we walk deeper in our faith with Christ, we find that the paradoxes present in our lives are not meant to confuse us but to draw us nearer to God.
DBU was honored to host the annual luncheon sponsored by the T.B. Maston Foundation with speaker Dr. Tomás Mackey, elected president of the Baptist World Alliance and respected Argentinian Baptist leader.
The DBU Family joins together to congratulate Dr. Philip Mitchell on the release of his new book entitled "The Shared Witness of C.S. Lewis and Austin Farrer."
On September 27, DBU welcomed Keith and Kristyn Getty to present Keith with an Honorary Doctorate of Divinity and host the "Christ Our Hope" tour concert.
Master of Arts in Global Leadership students prepare for the Fall 2021 semester by clinging to Paul's words in 1 Corinthians 9.
Bishop Aaron Blake began to foster 6 high school boys while serving as a bi-vocational pastor and high school counselor. Little did he know how this decision would impact fostered and orphaned children in Texas today.
How does one glorify God? Look no further than Jesus, the Word of God made flesh who dwelt among us.
The core of our mission at DBU is to produce servant leaders. But what is servant leadership and why is it the heartbeat of all we do at DBU. Read here to find out.
Getting to call upon God as our Abba, Father, is one of the most fundamental, yet valuable, benefits of the Gospel.
The first article of a three-part series, of Don't Waste Your Summer focuses on the importance of continuing to learn throughout the summer without the added stress of a final grade and includes a variety of the DBU faculty and staff's summer reading lists.
The second article in a three-part series, Don't Waste Your Summer, focuses on the importance of continuing to invest in your relationships throughout the summer. We were not meant to walk through this life alone, and the summer break is no exception!
21Wilberforce, a Christian human rights organization dedicated to defending the universal rights of religion, belief, and conscience for all people, recently held its annual “Speak Freedom Conference” on the campus of Dallas Baptist University.
The beauty of springtime brings with it the refreshing renewal of life all around us. As we enter this new season of renewal, we must also challenge ourselves to pursue the Good Shepherd in order to find revitalization within our own spiritual walks.
Each year, DBU hosts International Week, a week-long celebration of the many different cultures represented on the DBU campus. Throughout the week, the International Office hosted multiple events focused on gathering students of all cultures across campus to learn more about other cultures through faith, fellowship, and fun.
Each year, the DBU family hosts "International Week" on campus, celebrating the gift of community that God has given us as a student body, looking forward to the day in which every tribe, tongue and nation will stand before the Lamb of God.
Dr. Jim Denison of the Denison Forum on Truth and Culture provided the 2021 Easter Service on Good Friday to celebrate the empty tomb and the resurrection of our Savior.
A Christian leader in the marketplace with over 40 years of portfolio management expertise and numerous appearances on major news networks, Bob Doll spoke at this year's annual Gallup Lecture Series.
Twenty-first century Christians often can’t take in the incredible impact of Christ’s triumphal entry on Palm Sunday, but when we reflect on its place within the larger story of God’s redemption, we stand in awe and anticipation of how God moves and crafts His grand narrative.
At a recent Friday Symposium, DBU professors engaged in an interdisciplinary conversation on issues related to faith and contemporary neuroscience.
Dr. Tempress Asagba, DBU's Dean of Students and Chair of the Community Advocates for Racial Equality (CARE) Committee, reflects on the foundations of Black History Month and the legacy of Carter G. Woodson.
Hundreds of hand-held American flags lined the DBU lawn and sidewalks to honor all those who have served our nation and protected its freedoms. DBU hosted an “A Life of Service” luncheon featuring special guests Lieutenant Trevor Carpenter, Pastor Devinion B. Valentine, and Dr. Levi Price.
The Black Student Union and two other student organizations Chi Theta Alpha and Beta Beta joined together for any early morning prayer walk for unity over the DBU campus and the nation.
In the month of September, the Institute for Global Engagement (IGE) hosted informative webinars featuring two published thought leaders. First Justin Giboney, co-founder of The And Campaign, spoke on the topic of pursuing redemptive justice, and then internationally-sought after speaker Dr. Shelette Stewart, founder of Stewart Consulting, LLC, addressed the connection between one's calling and career.
This year we experienced the reality of virtual ministry. Although there are still a few kinks to work out, we are thankful for all of the good that God has done in the midst of COVID-19. We asked MAGL professor Dr. Mark Alexander how this particular season has impacted ministry inside and outside of his classroom.
Plagues, disease, famines, wars, and natural disasters. These are hard realities of living in a fallen world we read about everywhere in the pages of Scripture, but a widespread pandemic is not unknown throughout the history of Christianity. Christians of the past and present inspire us with demonstrations of resilient faith and compassion in the midst of crisis.
DBU Patriots welcomed Shane Pruitt as a guest speaker at Chapel. For students, he brought one simple message: Jesus is better.
For current DBU graduate students, Shirley and Joyce Porto, the religious freedoms enjoyed by some are an urgent call to speak out for others around the world without them. Together they are working on campus to inspire students to give voice to the voiceless and make the world a more just place for all.
Oklahoma Senator James Lankford visited Dallas Baptist University on October 2 and delivered a Chapel message that touched a central theme close to the hearts of many DBU students – choosing who to follow.
DBU kicked off its fall 2019 semester with a special DBU Night of Worship, led by Aran Puddle, Creative Director of Hillsong College, along with DBU students and other worship leaders from Hillsong.
With the value of higher education being challenged in the media in recent years, not to mention the heavy costs often associated with a private education, what makes pursuing your education as an older adult student at a Christian university a wise choice?
DBU Alumnus Fred Ndavi was raised in Kenya in a community that experienced poverty and educational hardships. After earning an MBA in International Business, a degree many in his community have no opportunity to achieve, he went on to be the founder and executive director of Inspire Spaces—an international non-profit organization that focuses on education in Kenya.
“The doctor says I have cancer,” Dale Braswell’s father blurted out as they packed up his dorm room in Lange Hall on the Dallas Baptist University campus. Dale’s roommates had just taken a few boxes of out to the car, and in this brief moment alone, Dale’s dad dropped the bombshell. His father’s eyes welled up. “We’re gonna try to figure this thing out,” he said.
Wilame and Erica, after much prayer and counsel, left the comfort of their home and profitable jobs as a banker and lawyer in order to pursue the Lord. They took a leap of faith, trusting God would provide, and moved from Sao Paulo, Brazil to Dallas, Texas
Dr. Jodi Grimes passionately serves in a variety of roles on campus. As an English professor, an academic advisor, and a co-sponsor for programs like Sigma Tau Delta, the International English Honor Society, and DOXA Literary Circle, she invests both time and energy into each area of service.
The diagnosis looked grim. Although Patricia had battled cancer and won, a new problem emerged-kidney failure. For two years she spent her mornings, driving to her dialysis clinic, sitting through the process, and knowing that in a couple of days it would start all over again, four hours at a time.
Birthed in the midst of the Harlem Renaissance, a period of unparalleled development in African American art, music, literature, theater, and politics, Negro History Week (which later became Black History Month) was founded in February 1926 by Dr. Carter G. Woodson, the second African American to receive a Ph.D. in history from Harvard University. Woodson wholeheartedly believed that the immersive study of black history and culture would be the path to racial uplift and progress.
From the beginning of January to the middle of May 2018, DBU senior Katie Evenson studied abroad in Uganda, attending Uganda Christian University in a town called Mukono. For Evenson, this opportunity to learn in another country was something that has been on her heart for a long time.
Dr. King challenges us to recognize that it is not about what will happen to each of us, but rather, what will happen to others if we fail to respond to God’s call.
As a part of their 2018 Christmas Tour, Shane & Shane performed at Dallas Baptist University in the Pilgrim Chapel, alongside Phil Wickham. The DBU community gathered together for the concert and enjoyed a night full of worship and Christmas songs, kicking off the start of the Christmas season.
Current DBU student Ranjita Kumar grew up in an Indian orphanage. Her biological family practiced Hinduism, and she herself was a professing atheist. At the young age of seven, her biological mother placed her in a Christian orphanage.
Pastors and mission organization spokespersons often quote Jesus’ final words to his disciples in Matthew 28 as a challenge to those called by God to serve him in a foreign land as vocational missionaries. A person’s final words before departing carry significant weight and Jesus’ final words to his disciples are no different.
The term “Greek Life” in most settings these days is often accompanied with negative connotations, emotions, or headlines, as news and culture draw attention to instances of hazing or scandal associated with such organizations.
I climb 112 stairs every day to get to the top of the hill. I think every DBU student can attest that there is an abundant amount of stairs at our beloved school. What makes this funny to me, and fascinating to others, is that I love the stairs. They are a little challenge for me every day.
Samuel Brownback, Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom, spoke on the role of the United States concerning international religious liberty at Dallas Baptist University on Tuesday night.
The world is flooded with thoughts and opinions about everything imaginable, from political debates and racial tension to current diet trends and vaccinations. Why, then, should believers engage in conversations about culture? How does a university like DBU do this without just becoming another voice in the sea of many?
DBU’s annual Engage Mission Conference took place this September. Composed of a variety of lectures and events, the conference is devoted to training and challenging students to take part in God’s mission and passionately share the love of Jesus Christ through their respective callings as they serve both domestically and abroad.
Lee Strobel, author and speaker best known for his book-turned-film “The Case for Christ,” encouraged the DBU student body through his challenging message in the Monday morning Chapel service.
Miley isn’t the only one coming in like a wrecking ball. Today, we live and move in an internet world where one savage destroys another snowflake, the ghost of Hitler looms in the other person’s position, animals play instruments, and the most amazing thing you will ever see comes at you three times a day, every day.
Attorney, author, teacher, pastor, and expert storyteller Mark Lanier recently spoke at Dallas Baptist University. Addressing the students at a weekly chapel service, he shared about what truly matters in life.
Over the years, DBU has had the privilege of honoring various individuals with an honorary doctorate. Some are internationally known figures. Others have made incredible contributions to the field of missions, education, or denominational life. Still others have been integral in the life of the University.
Scarlett’s story has reached over 60 countries. Through social media, thousands of people have heard Scarlett’s story. Where Scarlett’s story is heard, the gospel is heard.
Sixteen years ago, I stood in your shoes. It was the summer awaiting my first semester at DBU. I ran the full gamut of emotions—excited about exercising my own independence, anxious regarding making new friends, fearful about whether or not I could pass my classes (and pay my bills!), overwhelmed in the layout of the campus and location of buildings, and the list goes on.
Dallas Baptist University celebrated its 698 graduates during its May Commencement services, held on Thursday, May 10 and Friday, May 11, in the Patty and Bo Pilgrim Chapel on DBU’s campus.
Passionate, trained, and effective college students are available through DBU Ministry Bridge to serve at churches who are in need of assistance with semester-long commitments, as well as special events.
Each Spring Break, DBU sends out teams of students to serve both locally and nationally and return with stories of lives that were impacted. Two such stories are featured below from the eyes of senior Madison Gould and Junior Cooper McCullough.
It has been a long three days. Friday we mourned. We sat under the weight that Christ was persecuted, pierced, and punished to the point of death for our sins.
Could you classify your Spring 2018 semester as one of good works? As the semester progresses, motivation to produce good work slips away, and the temptation to turn in mediocre work becomes stronger.
Yesterday, DBU had the privilege of hosting Dr. Russell Moore on campus as part of the Gallup Lecture Series. As the eighth president of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the SBC, Moore is consulted by many media outlets, organizations, and political figures about cultural and political issues.
Dallas Baptist University and the Institute for Global Engagement were honored to host Michael Gerson, a nationally syndicated columnist for The Washington Post, to discuss faith and politics.
"We are confident that he will approach his work with a passion for justice and mercy and a commitment to excellence that reflects the character of God."
Along with many around the world, DBU celebrates the life of one of the most influential Christian leaders of the last 100 years, Dr. Billy Graham. His tireless effort to spread the message of hope through the Gospel of Jesus Christ not only transformed the lives of millions of people around the world, but also continues to serve as an example for others to follow for years to come.
The first day of classes this Spring semester, I had a student walk up to me and say the nicest thing to me—very encouraging for sure. I used to think that only a certain gracious personality (or someone with the “gift of encouragement”) could be encouraging, but I have decided it takes intentionality—to encourage on purpose.
In remembrance of all that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. accomplished in his lifetime and in celebration of the unity found in Christ, the DBU Family gathered Monday afternoon for their second annual MLK Day Unity Walk.
The fall of 2017 saw a unique excitement and dialogue around Martin Luther and his legacy with the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. Seven DBU faculty members and one alumnus joined together to enter into the conversation with a new publication entitled Luther on Leadership.
Dr. Mark Batterson, lead pastor of National Community Church in Washington, D.C., served as the keynote speaker for two of DBU’s December Commencement ceremonies and was awarded an honorary Doctor of Divinity degree.
As the holiday season winds down, there is a day of celebration on January 6th that the people of Mexico and many American Families participate in. It correlates to Christmas, and is known as Día De Los Reyes (Day of the Kings).
With the turning of the year comes the breeze of new beginnings. This breeze can be refreshing, chilling, or unexpected. To some, a new year is exciting and an excuse to start over. To others, the New Year is less welcomed bringing along anxious feelings. However, no matter the approach to the new season, we can trust in God’s timing.
Thanksgiving opens the holiday season, which can be hectic and stressful. Family, plans, and personalities clash more frequently, and feeling thankful can be hard.
Dallas Baptist University hosted its annual Engage Missions Conference on September 17-23, led by DBU Director of Global Missions Chris Holloway and DBU student Sheldon Norred, and featuring keynote speaker Mike Dsane, Lead Pastor at King’s Harbor Church in Torrance, California.
During a week off from the regular fall classes, students are reminded to first find rest in the Lord. While Fall Break Mini terms, short-term mission trips, and visits home abound, the most important focus is to be still and to recognize God's sovereignty.