12th Annual Easter Service on Good Friday with Dr. Jim Denison

On Good Friday, DBU held its 12th annual Easter service in Pilgrim Chapel on the DBU Campus. Worship was beautifully assembled by Dr. Bob Brooks, Dean of the Graduate School of Leadership, who, along with several faculty members and alumni beautifully sang, “I Will Sing the Wondrous Story,” “Be Still, My Soul/He Will Hold Me Fast,” and “I Stand Amazed in the Presence.”
Prior to the message given by Dr. Jim Denison, harpist Alison Read led the congregation in a time of meditation on Old and New Testament Scriptures read by DBU First Lady Mrs. Candice Wright and Mrs. Sheila Cook, wife of Dr. Gary Cook, DBU Chancellor.
Dr. Jim Denison, Co-Founder and Chief Vision Officer of the Denison Forum on Truth and Culture, served as the annual speaker again this year and delivered a thought-provoking message entitled “A New Tomb for a New World” based on John 19:38-42.
He began by asking the question, “What is good about Good Friday?” To which he answered, “The blood of Jesus can reverse the curse of sin and bring life.”
He went on further on to say that in John 19:41, the apostle spoke about the borrowed, new tomb where Jesus was laid, a tomb that was identified by never specified. Consequently, Dr. Denison asked what the specific reason for this could be.
He pointed out that we tend to put more emphasis on the tiny details, or in this case, to venerate places where important people were buried. There are so many examples of people all around the world who were buried in gigantic tombs that people visit in order to honor or worship them. However, it was not necessary to specify where Jesus was buried because the grave was powerless to hold the King.
Dr. Denison explained that Joseph of Arimathea took a significant risk in donating his tomb to Jesus. The cost of that commitment was high, and Joseph’s sacrifice was one of love. There was a financial cost, but he also put his life at risk because he was once part of the Sanhedrin and now was publicly declaring his commitment to Christ by asking Pilate for Jesus’ body.
Similarly, as Joseph was willing to put his life at risk for the cause of Christ, Dr. Denison asked the congregation: “Is there a price you are willing to pay out of gratitude for God’s grace extended to you through His Son Jesus Christ?”
In all, it was a memorable evening and a wonderful message shared by Dr. Denison, encouraging those present to reflect upon the cost of carrying our crosses as followers of Christ. He stressed the need to take a moment to humble yourself before God and praise Him for Good Friday, the redeeming blood of Jesus that was shed on that cross, and even more, His resurrection from the dead that became our bridge back to God the Father.
Kathleen Sotomayor writes for the University Communications Department at Dallas Baptist University.