Mike Williams

Dr. Mike Williams - 30 Years of Faithful Service at DBU

This year marks Dr. Mike Williams' 30th anniversary at Dallas Baptist University, a milestone in a career dedicated to faith, education, and mentorship.

DBU Statement

DBU’s Dorothy M. Bush College of Education Approved to Offer Alternative Superintendent Certification

The Dallas Baptist University Dorothy M. Bush College of Education has received approval from the Texas Education Agency (TEA) to offer an Alternative Superintendent Certification program.

Professors Emeritus

Distinguished Faculty Members Named Professors Emeritus

DBU recently recognized several distinguished faculty members for their faithful service to the University and their lasting contribution to DBU’s student body and academic culture.

Chapel beauty

Commissional Corner: Alumna Jessica Foster

Catch up with the Master of Arts in Global Leadership program at DBU and read Jessica Foster's story!

fall leaves in front of chapel steeple

Commissional Corner: Alumna Kaitlin Warrington

Catch up with the Master of Arts in Global Leadership program at DBU and read Kaitlin Warrington's story!

Dallas Baptist University's Pre-College Academy

Prestonwood Christian Academy Joins the Growing List of PCA Partner Schools

Prestonwood Christian Academy is joining DBU's Pre-College Academy partner schools! Students at these schools qualify for a discounted rate and are taught by DBU professors.

Spence Hall on the DBU campus in Dallas

Commissional Corner: Alumnus Russell Chun

Catch up with the Master of Arts in Global Leadership program at DBU and read Russell Chun's story!

Statue of Jesus on the DBU campus in Dallas

Education Ministry Leadership Program Alumna Highlight: Rachel McCown

Catch up with the Master of Arts in Education Ministry Leadership and read alumna Rachel McCown's story!

The DBU Campus in Dallas during autumn

Commissional Corner: Alumna Viki Amend

Catch up with Viki Amend, alumna of the Master of Arts in Global Studies program at DBU!

Learn what's happening within the MA in Christian Counseling program at DBU this fall!

MA in Christian Counseling: Alumna Samantha McDonald

Learn what's happening within the MA in Christian Counseling program at DBU this fall!

DBU's chorus performing in the Pilgrim Chapel on the DBU campus in Dallas

DBU's New Master of Music Education Program Receives Accreditation from the National Association of Schools of Music

DBU is thrilled to share this momentous accomplishment that showcases the wonderful faculty, staff, and students in the College of Fine Arts.

DBU student graduate in the Hillcrest Great Hall during Summer Graduation

100 Doctoral, Graduate, and Undergraduate Students Joined the DBU Alumni Family at Summer Commencement

On August 2, 2024, Dallas Baptist University celebrated 100 new graduates at the 10:00 A.M. service, including the commencement speaker, Dr. Carter Willis, who graduated with a Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership.

DBU student studying on campus in the DBU coffeehouse

DBU’s Honor Scholars Academy is Now the Pre-College Academy

The Pre-College Academy allows high school students to take dual-credit classes through DBU to get a headstart on their college degree! PCA students also receive priority admission and are eligible for a special scholarship.

A banner with the DBU logo on the DBU campus in Dallas

Theology Matters: MATS Alumnus Michael Crumpler

MATS Alumnus Michael Crumpler shares the story of his ministry journey after graduating from DBU.

The pilgrim chapel on the dbu campus

Commissional Corner: Alumnus Tommy Derrick

Read the story about DBU alumnus Tommy Derrick, who graduated from the Graduate School of Ministry's Master of Arts in Global Leadership program in August 2017.

Cohort XX on the DBU campus celebrating the 20th cohort to study in the Cook School of Leadership

DBU Cook School of Leadership Welcomes its 20th Ph.D. Cohort

It has been 20 years since the Cook School of Leadership welcomed its first Cohort to University Hill. This year, the Ph.D. in Leadership Studies program welcomed Cohort XX, led by Dr. Mary Nelson.

The DBU campus in summertime in Dallas, Texas

Commissional Corner: Spring Graduates

Check out this month's Commissional Corner from the Master of Arts in Global Leadership program featuring a few of our spring graduates!

DBU student Luke Brooker, recipient of the Sumners Foundation Scholarship

DBU Student Luke Brooker Awarded Hatton W. Sumners Scholarship

Luke Brooker was awarded $30,000 from the Sumners Foundation because of his passion for civic engagement, academic excellence, and passion for our country.

DBU Graduates during Spring Commencement in the Pilgrim Chapel on the DBU Campus

DBU Celebrates Over 500 New Graduates at Spring Commencement Services

DBU welcomed over 500 new undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral graduates into the DBU Alumni Family this year’s spring commencement on Thursday, May 9, and Friday, May 10. There are now over 41,000 graduates worldwide who exemplify Christ and servant leadership in their careers.

The washing feet statue on the DBU campus

Commissional Corner May 2024: NYC Church Planting

Read how the Lord worked through the M.A. in Global Leadership students during their trip to New York City.

The Mahler building on the DBU campus in Dallas, Texas

Counseling Connections: Managing Stress & Alumni Spotlight

Dr. Dana Wicker of the Master of Arts in Christian Counseling program shares a few counseling tips and shares an update from DBU Alumna Kathy Turner.

Headshot of Dr. Cicely Jefferson, Dean of the College of Business at Dallas Baptist University

Dr. Cicely Jefferson Named Dean, DBU College of Business

DBU announced that Dr. Cicely S. Jefferson has been named Dean of the College of Business. Dr. Jefferson brings extensive experience and vision to her new position as dean, and she will enhance DBU’s longstanding commitment to upholding the highest regard for academic scholarship while challenging students to apply faith and biblical values in the marketplace.

DBU Marketing students at the National College Digital Marketing Championship at Baylor University in Waco, Texas

DBU Places Second in the National Collegiate Digital Marketing Championship

Professor Sandra Crawford Williamson and Dr. Kyle Allison coached a group of DBU marketing students to compete in the National Digital Marketing Championship.

Officials from Baylor University and Dallas Baptist University signing the agreement on Baylor's campus in Waco

Dallas Baptist University and Baylor University Announce Engineering Program Enrollment Agreement

Officials from Dallas Baptist University and Baylor University announced the creation of the program that will expand engineering education opportunities at Baylor for DBU students.

DBU education student teaching in a classroom on the DBU campus in Dallas

DBU College of Education Receives New Accreditation

The DBU College of Education recently received accreditation from the Association for Advancing Quality Educator Preparation.

spence hall on the dbu campus in springtime

Ministry Leadership Matters

The monthly newsletter for the Master of Arts in Education Ministry Leadership features a highlight on the program director and a student.

DBU chapel with flowers

Commissional Corner: Evangelical Missiological Society

Students in the MAGL program, consider joining the Evangelical Missiological Society to use your talents to further the Kingdom around the world.

nation hall building at DBU during the summer time

Counseling Connections: February 2024

Learn what the Master of Arts in Christian Counseling Program is up to this month!

Dallas college student sitting outside with iPad

DBU Announces New Associate of Engineering Partnership with Baylor University

DBU is thrilled to announce the new Associate of Engineering partnership with Baylor University.

servant leadership statue outside of Blackaby Hall in Dallas, Texas

Commissional Corner: Attending Cross Con24

The February 2024 Edition of the Commissional Corner Newsletter from the Master of Arts in Global Leadership program at DBU.

dbu chapel

Theology Matters

Introducing Tina Braswell, Program Assistant, and Madison Miller, Student Worker.

joshua brown

DBU's Assistant Professor of Music and Director of Choral Activities: Dr. Joshua Brown

Dr. Joshua Brown joins the DBU Faculty with a commitment to teaching students how to hone their musical talents with excellence and bring honor to the Lord and Giver of music.

group of students and faculty at the herb robbins symposium

Herb Robbins Research Symposium

On November 3 and 4, DBU Hosted the annual Herb Robbins Research Symposium. The two-day-event, sponsored in partnership with the Beta Beta Beta Biological Society, has since 2008 featured student and alumni presentations of scientific research.

jodi grimes headshot

Dr. Jodi Grimes - DBU's 2023 Piper Outstanding Professor

The DBU Faculty Council recently voted Dr. Jodi Grimes to receive the 2023 Piper Outstanding Professor Award.

julia hyman

Dr. Julia Hyman Joins DBU Faculty as Assistant Professor of Education

Dr. Hyman is no stranger to DBU but is new to the full-time family in her role as Assistant Professor of Education. She brings a passion for teaching, training educators, and views the classroom as her mission field.

Dr. Mary Nelson presenting at the Friday Symposium in Dallas

Leadership and the Power of Writing: Friday Symposium Featuring Dr. Mary Nelson of the Cook School of Leadership

Dr. Mary Nelson, Director of the Ph.D. in Leadership Studies, recently spoke to students and faculty about the leadership that Dietrich Bonhoeffer exercised through his writing, especially during the difficult days of his incarceration by the Nazi Third Reich.

new faculty

New Full-Time Faculty

Several new full-time faculty joined the DBU Family for the 2023-2024 year. Dallas Baptist University is excited to see them guide students in various fields.

Dr. Norma Hedin, DBU Provost, speaking at faculty workshops

DBU Faculty Workshops Engage AI and Digital Learning Technologies

As a part of their ongoing faculty training and development, DBU full-time attended annual workshops prior to the start of the school year. This year’s theme was about "Igniting Engagement: Empowering Faculty and Students for Academic Success."

faculty publications

DBU Faculty Publications 2022-23

A list of featured publications from our esteemed faculty for the 2022-23 academic year.

college of education reading

DBU Awarded "A" for Preparing Future Teachers in Reading Instruction

Dallas Baptist University is among the top in the U.S. for preparing future teachers in reading instruction according to a recent National Council on Teacher Quality Report.

Summer Reading

Faculty and Staff Summer Reading

Check out what books are currently on the DBU Faculty and Staff summer reading lists.

tech talk graphic with tall buildings

Tech Talk: Artificial Intelligence

The DBU Graduate School and the MS in Information Technology and Management program invited expert Dr. Kyle Roberts, Data Scientist and Client Success Leader at Resultant, to weigh in on the future implications of AI and faith.

New Exclusively Online Degrees

Degrees for Exclusively Online Students Coming This Fall

DBU is excited to announce the launching of ten online bachelor’s and master’s degrees for exclusively online students at an affordable, reduced price beginning this Fall 2023.

DBU clocktower

DBU’s Graduate School of Ministry Establishes Residency Fellowship Program

DBU is proud to be the home of the Ministry Fellowship Program within the Graduate School of Ministry. The Ministry Fellowship Program offers comprehensive, accredited graduate classes to participants in church residency programs through Advanced Certificates that may be utilized to transfer courses directly towards a master's degree.

Dr. Horn

Showing Christ in All Things: DBU Welcomes Dr. Brian Horn to College of Education Faculty Team

“Regardless of what I am teaching, I hope to approach its application through a Christ-centered lens. I challenge my students to do the same,” Dr. Brian Horn says. “A teacher’s students must be able to see Christ in their actions and reactions; only then will students want to know more about what is different in you.”

Herb Robbins 2022

DBU Welcomes Alumnus Dr. Michael Torres as Keynote Speaker for Annual Dr. Herbert Robbins Research Symposium

This year, DBU was honored to have DBU Alum Dr. Michael Torres as the 2022 Dr. Herbert Robbins Research Symposium keynote speaker and welcomed current students, alumni, partners, and friends for the event.

Mark Brown

Seeing Criminal Justice through the Lens of Scripture: DBU Welcomes Mark Brown as Director of William B. Dean M.D., Institute for Criminal Justice Leadership

From his background in vocational ministry to his career in law enforcement, the Lord has been preparing Mark Brown throughout his life to assume his new role on University Hill. Now, DBU is excited to welcome Prof. Brown as the Director of William B. Dean M.D., Institute for Criminal Justice Leadership.

Dr. R. Keith Loftin

DBU’s Philosophy, Politics, Economics Program Welcomes Dr. R. Keith Loftin as Director and Professor of Philosophy

DBU's new Director of the Philosophy, Politics, Economics Program Dr. R. Keith Loftin shares his heart for the study of PPE, love of academia as mission, and vision for DBU's PPE program.

Dallas buildings

“The Impact of Perceived Fairness in the Workplace” with Dr. Kimberly Bates, Assistant Professor of Accounting

During the Friday Symposium held on September 16th, students were able to learn from DBU Assistant Accounting Professor Dr. Kimberly Bates as she shared what she has found while pioneering research in the field of perceived fairness in the workplace.

International forum speaker

DBU Global Community Hosts 2022 International Forum on Education and Leadership

From July 17th to the 23rd, DBU's Global Community hosted 27 participants representing 12 different school groups and seven counties for the 2022 International Forum on Education and Leadership.

Ph.D. cohort in Oxford

DBU Students Participate in Travel Study to England

This summer, DBU Ph.D. and undergraduate students were given the opportunity to travel to England to learn about history on the very soil it was made on.

Luke Castle

DBU Mock Trial Team Celebrates First Contest, Luke Castle Recognized with Outstanding Attorney Award

Dallas Baptist University's Mock Trial Team is comprised of seven devoted students pulled from a number of diverse fields of study and passions united by their love of justice and clear conversation in court.

NYC Urban Mission group

Commissional Corner: Students Serve on Urban Church Planting Trip to New York City

Over Spring Break, a number of DBU Patriots traveled to New York City to serve the Bushwick neighborhood and study under the instruction of DBU Professor of Missions Dr. Mark Alexander.

Dr. Cicely Jefferson photo

Bridging the Gap Between Business and Faith: DBU Welcomes Dr. Cicely S. Jefferson as Assistant Professor of Business Law

After her time spent as a student, DBU adjunct faculty member, full-time church staff member, and litigator, the DBU Family welcomes Dr. Cicely Jefferson onto the full-time faculty team here at DBU.

Christian Leadership Summit speaker

DBU Holds Eighth Annual Christian Leadership Summit

The Gary Cook School of Leadership recently hosted its eighth annual Christian Leadership Summit on campus, educating students through a number of breakout sessions held throughout the day and honoring outstanding individuals at the evening's award ceremony and dinner.

DBU Debate Team Fall 2021

Debate Team Completes Inaugural Fall 2021 Season

The Dallas Baptist University Debate Team finished their first debate season ranking as the number 5 overall debate program in the United States from the International Public Debate Association.

Hands out in prayer

DBU Launches New Master of Arts in Psychology

DBU celebrates the launching of the Master of Arts in Psychology program this past fall and recognizes all the hard work put forth by countless faculty and staff members who brought this program to life.

breon dennis jr

Faithful in His Calling: Graduate School Alum Breon Dennis Jr.

Learning from his failures and using experience to guide him are 2 key reasons why Breon Dennis, Jr., is where he is today.

cyber security

DBU’s Master of Science in Digital Risk Management

In response to the wave of recent cyberattacks in the U.S., DBU is introducing its new risk management program in spring 2022.

Teacher with student

Read to Succeed: Spotlight on DBU’s Literacy and ESL Program

In honor of September being recognized as National Literacy Month, Dr. Mark Martin from the college of Education comments on how DBU is preparing future educators to teach literacy to the students they will one day encounter in their classrooms.

Photo of Dr. Dickinson

Diving Deep into Philosophy and Apologetics: DBU Welcomes Dr. Travis Dickinson to DBU Family

DBU welcomes Dr. Travis Dickinson into the DBU family. Dr. Dickinson is a professor of philosophy, a lover of apologetics, and is eager to begin pouring into students on campus.

lenora brown holding sign

Faithful In Her Calling: College of Education Alum Lenora Brown

Servant leadership is a principle that focuses on serving others before self and is a driving force behind all that Lenora Brown has done and still does in her career in the field of education.

mitchell cantwell smiling

Faithful in His Calling: College of Business Alum Mitchell Cantwell

Mitchell Cantwell learned many important principles while gaining a higher education at DBU and is thriving by continuing to use these principles in his career today.

Dr. David Lowrie speaking at Commencement

DBU Honors August 2021 Graduates

DBU celebrates the 176 summer graduates through two in-person Commencement ceremonies in Pilgrim Chapel on August 6, 2021.

person solving equation

DBU Offers New Pre-Engineering Program

The new pre-engineering program is an associate program designed to prepare students with a solid foundation in engineering.

 new masters programs

New Masters Programs

DBU stands ready to meet the needs and challenges of the 21st century with an ever-expanding curriculum, expert professors, and a commitment to engage new and developing fields from a Christian worldview.

professional dress students

Commissional Corner: July 2021

Graduate School of Ministry graduates Ruben Rios and Camille Cerqueira reflect on their time in the OPT postgraduate program.

Commencement speaker Jurie Kriel

DBU Celebrates Spring Commencement on the Hill

With necessary precautions in place, Dallas Baptist University held four in-person Spring Commencement ceremonies in Pilgrim Chapel on May 13 and 14, celebrating 333 bachelor's graduates, 209 master's graduates, and 12 doctoral graduates. During each of the commencement services, special addresses were given by three beloved Christian leaders who have each impacted both DBU and the world for Christ.

Cole Dodson

DBU's Big Idea Challenge 2021

This past Spring, the College of Business hosted the annual “Big Idea Challenge” (BIC), a campus wide event which provides an outlet for students to test innovative ideas, train in Creative Thinking Workshops, and give participants the chance to win scholarships and cash prizes provided by the Lion’s Den DFW.

Flipping through textbook photo

Persevering Through Finals Week: Some Tips from the Graduating Class

Brooks Anthony interviews four graduating seniors who provide tips, tricks, and tactics they've each learned during their time at DBU when studying and preparing for Final Exams and Projects.

Debate Team

New Debate Team Begins at DBU

The vision of the DBU Debate Team is “To inspire speakers for Christ using formal debate as a tool to strengthen civil skills and confidence in faith.”


DBU Partners with Classic Learning Test (CLT)

Newer to the college entrance exam world, the Classic Learning Test has quickly become more and more accepted as an entrance exam for college and university admissions offices along with the standard SAT and ACT exams. As a premiere partner, DBU will serve as a host for the exam on April 17.

Transfer Honor Roll

DBU Recognized as Member of 2021 Phi Theta Kappa’s Transfer Honor Roll

Dallas Baptist University has been recognized as one of 150 colleges to receive membership on Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society’s (PTK) Transfer Honor Roll for 2021.

DBU's New Director of the MBA - Dr. Jonathan Wilson

DBU's New Director of the MBA - Dr. Jonathan Wilson

From Zimbabwe to Texas, Dr. Wilson brings a wealth of global experience and business insight to the MBA program, positioning the University for a great future ahead in one of DBU's most sought after degrees.

New Scholarships

DBU Establishes New Scholarships for First-Year, Transfer, and Adult Students

DBU added several new scholarship opportunities for undergraduate students in 2021.

First Responder Scholarship

DBU Establishes New Scholarship for First Responders

DBU now offers a $500/semester scholarship to Professional Studies students who serve our communities courageously in First-Responder career fields.

Blanton Feaster

Equipping Discipleship Leaders and Student Ministers - Dr. Blanton Feaster

With a heart for the local church and training its future leaders, learn more about one of DBU's newest professors serving in the Graduate School of Ministry.

Commissional Corner

Meet our Recent MAGL Graduates: Commissional Corner

Hear from five of our recent MAGL graduates: Anna Gaudencio, Cindy Lopez, Madison Houston, Isabel Álvarez, and Abraão Cifuentes.

Masters Higher Ed Tish Hearne

DBU's M.Ed. in Higher Education Online Program Recognized

Dallas Baptist University was recently recognized among the top affordable Master’s in Higher Education online programs by Best Colleges Online. Mrs. Tish Hearne serves as the Program Director.

Mark Hale

Associate Provost Dr. Mark Hale Reflects on Navigating DBU through the Pandemic

Dr. Mark Hale and a team of other campus leaders employed existing structures and innovated new methods to guide DBU through the pandemic.

Crisis Classes

Special Topics Courses Equip Students to Lead in Crises

The words crises, pandemic, shutdowns, frustration, unemployment, and more have been at the top of world-wide news. In response, DBU provided a series of special topics courses that empowered students to develop a biblically informed approach towards COVID-19 and other crises leaders may face.

Commencement Box

DBU Honors Its 172 Summer Graduates with "Graduation-in-a-box" and Facebook Ceremony

This year's August commencement was unique in so many ways, but a pandemic could not stop DBU from making sure its graduates felt valued and honored for all their accomplishments.

DBU Opens Campus Summer/Fall Classes, Activities

DBU Opens Campus for Summer and Fall Classes, Activities

After careful planning and consideration, the DBU Administration has announced plans to proceed with Fall activities and classes as scheduled. These plans include in-classroom teaching, as well as on-campus student activities and various other events.


The Commissional Corner from a Master's to a Doctorate

Meet Dr. Sastry Meesala, a DBU graduate from the Masters in Global Leadership program who now holds a Ph.D. in Missions and Islamic Studies.


Theology: Christ as Our Anchor

Dr. Jim Lemons, Director of the Master of Arts in Theological Studies program at DBU, encourages Patriots with truth from Hebrews 6: Christ is our anchor.

Dr. Daehnert

Spiritual Formation and Christian Ministry

Dr. Jan Daehnert has many years of experience ministering in and working for local churches. He currently serves as Associate Professor of Biblical Studies and Ministry and as Director of Ministry Guidance in the College of Christian Faith at DBU. Recently, we had a chance to ask Dr. Daehnert about a popular course he teaches every semester to undergrads entitled “Spiritual Formation and Christian Ministry.”

Combat to Campus

From Combat to Campus

Most veteran-students are between the ages of 24 and 40 and are juggling jobs and families in addition to being full-time students. Their intense experiences in active duty make it even harder to join in socially with traditional students, often leading to isolation. However, DBU provides them a supportive Christian environment where they can heal and grow.


The Commissional Corner: Meet our Faculty

Drs. Mark and Karen Alexander are full-time faculty members here at DBU. They have both taught classes for our MAGL program. This semester alone, Dr. Mark Alexander is teaching Introduction to Missiology, Chronological Bible Storying and CT: Urban Church Planting. Dr. Karen Alexander is teaching Literature of East Asia.

CS Lewis

Wisdom for Disruptive Times from the Letters of C.S. Lewis

At a recent Friday Symposium on March 6, Dr. Mark Cook addressed the importance renowned scholar and author C.S. Lewis gave to interpersonal connectedness and encouragement through letter-writing. Now, as DBU shifts gears into going fully online and social distancing, Lewis’ kernels of wisdom shared by Dr. Cook seem all the more relevant during a time of disruption.

Dyer Symposium

Dr. John Dyer Speaks on the Advancement of Technology

Dr. Dyer visited DBU to give a symposium speech, titled "Theological Ethics for the Age of Artificial Intelligence." He challenged students, asking whether they saw the implications of advancing technology as good, bad, or neutral.


The Commissional Corner: February Issue

Christy Cornelius, one of DBU's MAGL students, explored the beautiful country of Israel with 24 other students from the Graduate School of Ministry.

Three New Academic Programs to be Offered in Fall 2020

Three New Academic Programs to be Offered in Fall 2020

Coming this Fall 2020, DBU is rolling out several new degree opportunities in currently growing and always changing fields of church media, finance, and healthcare. “We are so pleased that these new programs provide innovative, career-focused education for students who are interested in these opportunities,” says Dr. Norma Hedin, Provost.


Meet the M.A. in Theological Studies Program Director

We're hoping to better inform you about what's happening in the program as well as our Graduate School of Ministry. To kick things off, meet your MATS Program Director.

Commissional Corner

The Commissional Corner: Goodbye 2019, Hello 2020!

The start of a new year brings both reflection on the events of the previous year as well as thoughts of anticipation for the year to come. In this issue, we want to pay tribute to our December 2019 graduates as well as consider what MAGL students are anticipating for 2020.

Dr. Timothy Van Treuren

Dr. Timothy Van Treuren Speaks at Annual Herb Robbins Research Symposium

Dallas Baptist University hosted its annual Herb Robbins Research Symposium in the Great Hall on November 1 and 2. Dr. Robbins, a Piper Professor of the Year recipient, served as Dean of the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics at DBU from 1979 until 1994.


The Commissional Corner: Congratulations December Graduates

We asked Susan Mogish, one of our December graduates, to share with us a little about her journey and experience in the MAGL program.

GSOM Category

DBU Hosts Inaugural GSOM Networking Banquet

The Graduate School of Ministry celebrated 15 years of establishment and excellence here at Dallas Baptist University this past month. The GSOM has been creating servant leaders to impact their community, training those God has called to ministry. Over 200 students, alumni, and faculty gathered to the GSOM's first Alumni and Student Networking Dinner to honor both distinguished alumni and outstanding students.

MAGL Category

The Commissional Corner: GSOM Alumni and Student Networking Dinner

The Graduate School of Ministry came together to celebrate 15 wonderful years of service to the kingdom of God by hosting our inaugural GSOM Alumni and Student Networking Dinner.


DBU Hosts Inaugural Tech Symposium

Topics such as this led the discussion during DBU’s inaugural Tech Symposium on October 8. The conference centered around the theme of “Disrupt the Disrupters” and addressed the need for “smart cities” that engage with emerging technologies such as BlockChain, Data Analytics, and Artificial Intelligence to improve civic infrastructures.


The Commissional Corner: Welcoming Our New Students

We are overjoyed to see how the MAGL is attracting new students from diverse educational backgrounds. Three of them are highlighted below. Welcome to the first semester!

Dr. Norma Hedin, Provost,  with new faculty members

New Faculty Join the DBU Family

This fall ten faculty members will join the DBU family coming alongside current faculty and staff as they teach and mentor in various fields – equipping students for their respective callings.

DBU launches M.S. in Learning Technologies

DBU Launches Master of Science in Learning Technologies Program

DBU’s Master of Science in Learning Technologies is a 30-hr, STEM degree program designed to prepare students to be successful servant leaders in the education and corporate sector. “Graduates will apply knowledge that promotes the success of every student by ensuring that each of those students understands and harnesses the power of computing and integrating technology in their personal, academic or professional lives,” says Karla Hagan, program director of DBU's new M.S. in Learning Technologies.

Professor teaches class

Top 4 Reasons to Choose a Christian University

With the value of higher education being challenged in the media in recent years, not to mention the heavy costs often associated with a private education, what makes pursuing your education as an older adult student at a Christian university a wise choice?

Madison Category List

The Commissional Corner: New Beginnings

To provide insight into MAGL, we asked Madison Houston, one of our new students, and Addison Zody, one of our Spring 2019 graduates, some questions regarding our program.

DBU launches Global Studies Program

DBU Launches Global Studies Program

For many years, DBU has provided travel opportunities for students through mission trips and classroom experiences, yet this spring, DBU launched a new initiative to develop a centralized approach to these trips as a part of DBU’s Global Studies Program, headed by Dr. David Cook, Dean of Global Studies and Pre-Professional Programs.


DBU Named One of the Top Teacher Preparation Programs in Country, Again

Once again, Dallas Baptist University has been recognized as one of the top teacher education preparation programs in the country by the National Council on Teacher Quality (NCTQ), a nonpartisan, non-profit research and policy organization.

Commissional Corner Category

The Commissional Corner: Congratulations Graduates

Congratulations to our graduates! We are so proud of all the hard work you have put into furthering your education. We are praying for you and the future God orchestrated for you. It has been a joy to see you progress from applicants to graduates. Many of you have benefited from the MAGL community and we encourage you to utilize those same skills to create an environment that you would be proud to call your own.

May Commencement Category

DBU Honors Raquel Contreras and Roberto Silvado During May Commencement

Dallas Baptist University celebrated its 652 graduates receiving their degrees during the spring Commencement Services.

Listen SGA

DBU's Student Government Association Hosts Annual Listen Event

Each spring, our Student Government Association provides selected students with the opportunity to present an informative, TED Talk type of lecture based on their specific field of interest. Through each discussion, student speakers captivated the audience as they spoke on these areas.

Great Hall set up for art show

Art and Design Show 2019

This years College of Fine Arts Art and Design Show highlighted the creative talents of DBU students and faculty in a variety of categories, including photography, illustration, graphic design, drawing, and painting. Over 70 participants entered artwork for the University to view this April.

A women is standing with a few books.

Faculty Friday: Dr. Jodi Grimes

Dr. Jodi Grimes passionately serves in a variety of roles on campus. As an English professor, an academic advisor, and a co-sponsor for programs like Sigma Tau Delta, the International English Honor Society, and DOXA Literary Circle, she invests both time and energy into each area of service.

A picture of Dr. Kathleen Watts smiling.

Faculty Profile: Dr. Kathleen Watts

Dr. Kathleen Watts, an adjunct professor for the Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction program, has served at DBU since the fall of 2013 and has been a part of Christian education since 1981.

Three men are sitting in chairs on stage.

Veritas Lecture Series: Racial Reconciliation

DBU was honored to have Pastors Bryan Carter Concord Church, Dallas, Dr. Jeff Warren Park Cities Baptist Church, Dallas, and Jason Paredes Fielder Church, Arlington on campus to speak on the topic of racial reconciliation. As a part of the Veritas Lecture Series, the night sought to encourage conversation and solutions to an important problem, one that not only causes divisiveness within the church, but within world as a whole.

A photo of the DBU chapel

An Attitude of Educational Leadership

DBU alumnus Dr. Dionel Waters is known for a great length of educational achievements that have led and prepared him for his current role today as a principal in Arlington, Texas.

Norman E. Miller speaking during one of the December Commencement Services

DBU Honors Norman E. Miller During December Commencement Service

Dallas Baptist University presented Norman E. Miller with an honorary Doctor of Humanities degree during this winter’s commencement. Miller, Chairman of the Board of Interstate Batteries, oversees a global company that provides power for countless vehicles and devices.

A student presents at the Herb Robbins Symposium

DBU Students and Alumni speak at Herb Robbins Symposium

Dallas Baptist University recently held the 16th annual Herb Robbins Symposium. This two-day event provided current and former DBU students the opportunity to present on their research experiences and other academic activities. The Herb Robbins Symposium is co-sponsored by the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics and by DBU’s chapter of Tribeta Biological Society.

Travis poses inside his office

Discovery Driven by Faith: DBU Alumnus Travis Whitfill Making Waves in Biotech Research and Finance

If you opened Forbes Magazine last fall, you may have noticed a familiar face among their “30 Under 30” listing—DBU’s very own Travis Whitfill. Travis, who graduated with a biology and mathematics degree in 2010, recently founded a drug development company called Azitra in New Haven, Connecticut, and is also making his name known as a Venture Capital Partner with Bios Partners in Fort Worth, Texas.

William Franklin Graham IV addresses the audience from the chapel podium

William Franklin Graham IV Receives Honorary Doctorate from DBU

William Franklin Graham IV received an honorary Doctor of Divinity degree from Dallas Baptist University during Fall Convocation. During the service, Graham shared a message with the DBU student body and faculty, discussing the preciousness of time and how it is often taken for granted.

A panel discusses culture on the stage of the Vertias event

Engaging Culture on the Hill

The world is flooded with thoughts and opinions about everything imaginable, from political debates and racial tension to current diet trends and vaccinations. Why, then, should believers engage in conversations about culture? How does a university like DBU do this without just becoming another voice in the sea of many?