The Commissional Corner: Goodbye 2019, Hello 2020!

Saying Goodbye to 2019
The start of a new year brings both reflection on the events of the previous year as well as thoughts of anticipation for the year to come. In this issue, we want to pay tribute to our December 2019 graduates as well as consider what MAGL students are anticipating for 2020.
This past month the MAGL graduated three outstanding students: Santiago Ramirez Bermeo, Ruben Rios Delgado, and Susan Mogish. We look forward to seeing how God will use them in ministry and mission in the days ahead. And speaking of the days ahead, MAGL student Cindy Lopez shares with us her spiritual New Year's resolutions.
Saying Hello to 2020
What is something you anticipate God doing in your life this year?
I am so excited because God has been directing my life with every class I have taken. Through the mentorship of my professors, God has been confirming and showing me how He wants to use me in His kingdom. I have a background in business administration, and God has called me to blend business and missions to serve and reach people in need of spiritual and social development.
What role do you play in this resolution?
I have sought the wise counsel of servants of God that have more experience in my field to receive their mentorship.
How do you hope to improve the community of your church this year?
I hope to be an asset to the kingdom of God and the church and to those in need of God outside the four walls of a building.
How do you plan on reaching out to those who do not know Christ?
I seek to care about their situation and work to change it by showing them the Christ that chose the lowly, multiplied the bread and the fish, healed leprosy, and loved the despised ones.
Thank you so much, Cindy, for sharing your anticipations for the New Year! As we prepare for 2020, we are eager to see how the Lord moves in your life as well.
The Graduate School of Ministry provides training for individuals who sense God's call to ministry. The mission of the Graduate School of Ministry integrates foundations of Christian faith and values with professional academic studies.