Showing Christ in All Things: DBU Welcomes Dr. Brian Horn to College of Education Faculty Team

Inspiring the Next Generation of Christ-Centered Educators
"I want my students to view themselves as future teachers with confidence, faith, compassion, love, and to view their students the way that Christ views their students. I pray that my students see themselves as a potential Christ-like catalyst who can change the hearts and minds of their students, students' parents, and colleagues."
Dallas Baptist University is proud to be the home of the esteemed Dorothy M. Bush College of Education. Dr. Brian Horn has recently joined DBU's full-time team as a Professor of Education, bringing with him 18 years of experience teaching high school students and 10 years serving in higher education. It is because of professors like Dr. Horn who love the Lord and love their students that this program has seen and continues to see countless Patriots boldly step out into the field of education.
A Journey of Faith and Educational Service
Dr. Horn grew up on a cattle ranch in the far corner of Southeastern Oklahoma only 3 miles from the Arkansas border and 5 miles from the Texas border. His father, Herman, served as a superintendent and his mother, Jacklyn, was an elementary school counselor and principal. The Horn children were brought up in a home that loved Jesus. As he grew up, Dr. Horn remembers looking not only to his parents, but also to his older brother as an example of faith. After attending a revival in a nearby town, Dr. Horn made the decision to accept Christ and begin a personal relationship with Him; he was baptized soon thereafter.
Because he grew up surrounded by educators, Dr. Horn's initial desire was to flee from the teaching profession. After graduating high school, Dr. Horn's plan was to become an environmental lawyer with a background in chemistry/ chemical engineering. But, as He often does, the Lord had other, greater plans. After being tasked to develop an algorithm and then teach its application to adults, Dr. Horn found himself loving exactly what he was trying to escape.
From Classroom to Campus: Building a Legacy of Teaching
Dr. Horn attended the University of Oklahoma where he obtained both his Bachelor of Science in Education and Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction. After moving to Texas, Dr. Horn made the decision to complete a longtime personal goal and earned his Doctor of Philosophy in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of North Texas.
After graduating from OU, Dr. Horn taught at the high school level for five years in Oklahoma and then in Texas for an additional 13 years. "Not every child will attend church camp or Sunday morning services, but most children, at some point, will attend a public school," Dr. Horn says. "There are several variables that need to be in place for learning to occur. However, the two fundamentals are to love what you teach and love the people you are teaching."
Shaping Future Educators at DBU
After completing his doctoral studies, Dr. Horn made his move into higher education and has since taught education courses at Colorado Mesa University, Dallas Christian College, Oklahoma Baptist University, and now at Dallas Baptist University.
Dr. Horn explains that the core of his philosophy of teaching is quite straightforward.
"There are so many things that go into a teaching philosophy—learning environments, curriculum, professional development, parent engagement, etc.—but I will keep this simple: every student in your classroom deserves your time and energy," Dr. Horn continues. "As humans, we want to be positively reinforced, encouraged, and feel validated, but sometimes as a teacher, you are making a difference by constantly challenging students to be better even when they do not want to be better. Diamonds are not made without pressure."
Teaching with Purpose and a Christ-Centered Vision
As part of the College of Education faculty at DBU, Dr. Horn works closely with teacher candidates who are completing field-based 1 courses (Classroom Management and Adolescent Development) and Instructional Assessments. "I have some excellent students who will become excellent teachers. However, becoming an excellent anything takes time and a desire for continuous improvement," Dr. Horn shares. "In today's public schools, there is a lot of darkness, lies, and confusion, so to work with students who are about to enter the most significant mission field is a great opportunity to understand how to show Christ."
"Regardless of what I am teaching, I hope to approach its application through a Christ-centered lens. I challenge my students to do the same," Dr. Horn says. "A teacher's students must be able to see Christ in their actions and reactions; only then will students want to know more about what is different in you."
A Family of Faith and a New Beginning at DBU
Dr. Horn married his wife, Lisa, in 1996. Together, the Horns have one son, Jaxon, who is a current freshman at DBU. Dr. Horn and his family currently attend First Baptist Church Frisco. DBU is thrilled to welcome Dr. Horn into the Patriot family and is excited to see all the ways his leadership will impact generations to come.
"Being at DBU is not an accident. I am excited to see how God uses this opportunity to challenge me and to sharpen my discipleship," Dr. Horn shares in closing. "Teaching is tough; not everyone can do it... but a good teacher will continue to absolutely make a difference in the lives of their students."
Emmalie Ellis writes for the University Communications department at Dallas Baptist University.