Commissional Corner: Alumna Jessica Foster

Jessica Foster graduated from the Master of Arts in Global Leadership program in 2023. She grew up in Maceio, Brazil, and was raised in a Christ-centered home with her parents. Jessica said, "I grew up going to missionary conferences and marveling at the greatness of the God of Missions. However, my sins still enslaved me since I had not yet surrendered my life to Jesus. I believed I could break free from my sins on my own." After many failed attempts, Jessica decided to give her life to Christ. "I put down my pride and accepted the gift of salvation by grace through faith in Christ." Jessica described God as "faithful" to His mighty promises.

Jessica is currently working for Cru—formerly known as Campus Crusade for Christ—and she expressed that being able to share her faith efficiently has completely changed her life. Originally, Jessica dreamed of working for a prestigious company in a major city. "After graduation, I worked in business administration, but God's calling proved to be better than my childhood dreams!" In 2010, Jessica decided to join Cru to raise the name of Jesus among college students. After this, Jessica moved to Sao Paulo, where she ministered in one of the largest and most secularized universities in Latin America; she then moved forward to serve students for 9 years in Fortaleza, one of the most dangerous cities in Brazil. Jessica said, "God used the beauty and hardship of leadership to reveal the great need for training entry-level ministry leadership, and to be better equipped I started on DBU's MAGL program in 2020."
One of the most important lessons Jessica gained from the MAGL was from Dr. Mark Alexander, who stated, "Prayer is the best mission strategy." Jessica elaborated, "Prayer is how God pours His grace and love on us so that we can feel so loved that we can love God back and love people right. Prayer is how God teaches us His ways and corrects our ways so that His children can ‘do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.'" (Micah 6:8)
Jessica shared, "Going through the MAGL program equipped me for greater impact in ministry as I was given leadership, ministry, and spiritual tools that I will share with new leaders in Sao Paulo, as well as all of Brazil, South America, and wherever God leads me." The program enabled her to explore mission history and contemporary world missions, learn invaluable lessons, and consider countless opportunities to serve the Kingdom of God. Being a part of the MAGL program broadened her worldview through the rich interactions with professors and fellow Christian students across the globe. "DBU is a global community, and seeing firsthand that the Kingdom of God encompasses all, and each country has strengthened my faith in Christ and my desire to play my part in the victory of Our King and His triumphal return in glory! The Lamb is worthy!"
Jessica wants to encourage new MAGL students to remember that God can do anything. You must seek Him first and ardently. She continued, "Ask that He will be your greatest joy, best friend, first counselor, and power source. And know that He is wonderful beyond our imagination. Every minute spent with Him will generate compound growth, faith, and joy in Him." She emphasized that it may not seem powerful, but if you walk closely with God, He will guide you, fill you, and empower you; if you are not, you will fall and sadly bring others down with you. Jessica would like to urge graduates to spend time with God and His people and, most importantly, read your Bible.
Starting in March of 2025, Jessica will join a team of Cru staff in Sao Paulo for the Leadership Development Program initiative. She will work alongside local churches in Sao Paulo to form new missional communities. Jessica would like to share with future MAGL graduates how they can partner with her ministry.
You can help by:
- Praying for guidance and for God to multiply the impacts of their actions.
- Raise awareness of this initiative among churches to gain prayer support.
- Coming to Sao Paulo to work with the team on-site.
- Connecting them to like-minded U.S. churches and organizations that positively impact communities through the local church.
The Graduate School of Ministry provides training for individuals who sense God's call to ministry. The mission of the Graduate School of Ministry integrates biblical foundations of Christian faith and values with professional academic studies.
The Graduate School of Ministry provides training for individuals who sense God's call to ministry. The mission of the Graduate School of Ministry integrates foundations of Christian faith and values with professional academic studies.