The Commissional Corner: Congratulations Graduates

Congratulations to our graduates! We are so proud of all the hard work you have put into furthering your education. We are praying for you and the future God orchestrated for you. It has been a joy to see you progress from applicants to graduates.
Many of you have benefited from the MAGL community, and we encourage you to utilize those same skills to create an environment that you would be proud to call your own. One of our graduate students, Camille Souza, expressed her appreciation for the diversity of each MAGL course: “I got to have classes with so many different people that had so many different experiences and goals than mine.” As students continue to join the program, please be in prayer encouraging and championing them on.
MAGL graduate, Maddie Naisbitt, shares about her time in the MAGL program: “My favorite experience has been the classes as well as the professors. Each class I took within the MAGL program gave me a deeper appreciation for God and His true desire to reach the nations with the Gospel. The classes also showed me the unique way in which this can be achieved, whether through business as a missionary or as someone just living as a missionary in a certain culture. There are many creative ways to reach people. Equally, many of the professors have direct life experience that pertains to the classes they are teaching and carry deep-wells of knowledge.”
In this next chapter of your life, be sure to lean on the steadfast and unchanging Word of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. God has prepared you for this next chapter of your life, and we are eager to see how you will glorify God through your respective fields.
“Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.” Deuteronomy 31:6
The Graduate School of Ministry provides training for individuals who sense God's call to ministry. The mission of the Graduate School of Ministry integrates foundations of Christian faith and values with professional academic studies.