Commissional Corner: Alumna Kaitlin Warrington

Fall leaves in front of chapel steeple

In 2017, Kaitlin Warrington graduated from the Master of Arts in Global Leadership program and now works as a cross-cultural consultant for the UT Dallas Baptist Student Ministry (BSM). She gets the chance to work closely with international students at UT Dallas, which has one of the largest international student populations in Texas.

Kaitlin grew up in Amarillo, Texas, and came to know Christ in third grade. She was attending a mission camp, and during one of the sermons, she felt the Holy Spirit call her to have a relationship with Jesus. During middle school, she began to doubt her relationship with the Lord as she could see more hardships in life. Kaitlin expresses that she is thankful to have been surrounded by patient and godly mentors who allowed her to ask difficult questions about the Gospel, world religions, and more. She stated, "This is when I began to see my heart change, and I began to desire more of the things of Christ. It was back in those early days of high school that I can look back and see Christ laying the foundation for the ministry work I am doing today, giving me a heart for Jesus and for those from cultures and countries beyond my own." If Kaitlin could use one word to describe God in her life, it would be "Faithful." She said, "When I look back at my journey with God, I see how He has faithfully cared for me, loved me, provided for me, and given me opportunities to grow more into the person He has created me to be so that I can be a blessing to others."

Kaitlin shared that the MAGL provided her with the theological foundation and practical ministry training she utilizes today. She explained that her studies in the MAGL program have equipped her to be culturally sensitive and appropriate when engaging with international students. When reflecting on how the MAGL has impacted her worldview, Kaitlin said that the program has deepened her understanding of God's grace and the calling for believers to share His grace with others in ways that resonate with our diverse world.

One of Kaitlin's most important lessons learned during her time in the MAGL is humility in ministry. She remarked, "All of the professors and staff who led my classes were incredibly knowledgeable and wise in their fields, but they were also incredibly humble." She added, "These professors modeled what humble and intentional partnership should and can look like in cross-cultural ministry and with interactions with the global church."

When asked to give a word of advice to new MAGL students, Kaitlin suggested they take advantage of the hands-on learning experiences that DBU and MAGL have to offer. She also recommends that students spend time with all their professors because they are genuine followers of Christ and are so wise.

As for upcoming graduates, Kaitlin congratulates those completing their MAGL degrees. "As you come to graduation and move beyond, I encourage you to adopt the attitude of being a lifelong learner. You have learned much during your time in the MAGL program, but there will be opportunities to keep learning and growing for the rest of your life. Continuing to approach life with humility and curiosity as well as with a desire to learn and grow all your days. This will benefit you much and allow you to bless many others."

Future graduates could partner with Kaitlin in her current role of ministry. Kaitlin has highlighted numerous opportunities to engage the international student community on U.S. college campuses. "Texas Baptist Student Ministry (Texas BSM) continues to be a faithful collegiate ministry engaging American and international students with the gospel on more than 130 Texas campuses, teaching them how to follow Christ and transform the world." She continues, "BSM is always looking for Christ Followers willing to raise their financial support and to help engage the world present on the college campus." Kaitlin also mentioned that there are opportunities to join ministry efforts. This could include airport pick-ups, hosting welcome parties, leading small group Bible studies for students, and many more.

If you would like more information about BSM, visit the Texas Baptist Student Ministry website.

Written by The Graduate School of Ministry

The Graduate School of Ministry provides training for individuals who sense God's call to ministry. The mission of the Graduate School of Ministry integrates foundations of Christian faith and values with professional academic studies.