Theology Matters

Meet the Program Assistant, Tina Braswell
I grew up in Houston, TX in a Christian home where I began to love Jesus at an early age. I felt a call to ministry while in high school, which has taken many forms since then. In 1994, l moved to Dallas to attend DBU and to be involved in Glowing Heart, a traveling ministry team that led worship in churches and DNOW Weekends for students across Texas and beyond. I graduated with a B.A. in Psychology in 1998 and worked on campus in a couple of different capacities for the next 18 months.

In October 1999, l married Dale Braswell, whom I met at DBU. We have been fortunate to serve side-by-side in a variety of roles and contexts since then, including youth ministry in Birmingham, Alabama and Nashville, Tennessee, and church-planting in the Seattle, Washington area, while raising our two daughters, Hannah, 19, and Kaitlyn, 16. We moved to Fort Worth in 2016 when Dale transitioned to become pastor at Wedgwood Baptist Church. I served as a chaplain for Marketplace Chaplains for a few years prior to returning to DBU, where I have been working in the Graduate School of Ministry since August 2022.
I love DBU. I love its continued Christ-centered focus and the intentionality in developing servant leaders across all disciplines. My time here as a college student was very transformative. It gives me great joy that God has brought my family back here—my oldest daughter and husband as students, and me to work specifically in this capacity in the GSOM where I get to provide support for excellent programs and students in ministry.
For fun, I enjoy being outside, especially if I get to hike up a mountain or be on or near water. I enjoy reading and listening to stories, especially missionary biographies or documentaries. I love quality time with family and friends over good food, playing games, attending music or theater productions, and having thoughtful conversations.
Meet the Student Worker, Madison Miller
Hi everyone! Welcome back to the spring semester! At the start of the semester, Dr. Lemons asked Tina and me to introduce ourselves. My name is Madison Miller, and I have been Dr. Lemons' student worker in the Graduate School of Ministry since August 2022. I am from Longview, Texas, and I have been a student at DBU for three years now. I have an amazing family back home. My parents have been married for almost 26 years now. I have two brothers and two sisters, and I am the very middle child!

The Lord gave me the incredible opportunity to come to DBU as a transfer student in my sophomore year, and I have loved every single second of my time here at DBU.
I have grown in my love for the Lord, His Word, and prayer more than I ever thought I could. God has been so kind to bless me with the most amazing friends I could have ever prayed for. DBU has absolutely changed my life in the best way possible! I truly would not have been here if it weren't for the Lord's grace and provision over my life. I just began my master's in professional counseling, where I hope to become a counselor and serve people this way. I am so thankful to be at such an incredible, Christ-centered university and be surrounded by such an amazing group of coworkers and friends.
The Graduate School of Ministry provides training for individuals who sense God's call to ministry. The mission of the Graduate School of Ministry integrates biblical foundations of Christian faith and values with professional academic studies.
The Graduate School of Ministry provides training for individuals who sense God's call to ministry. The mission of the Graduate School of Ministry integrates foundations of Christian faith and values with professional academic studies.