DBU Faculty Publications 2022-23

The following is a list of featured publications from our esteemed faculty for the 2022-23 academic year.
Gary Alford, Adjunct Professor of Management Systems
- Article: “Drones Deliver Safety, Efficiency.” OpFlow Magazine.
Christina Chen, Professor of Statistics and Chinese and Dr. Joanne Hix, Professor of Management
- Article: “Embracing Changes: Virtual Change Management and Leadership Training Implications.” Journal of Behavioral and Applied Management.
Travis Dickinson, Professor of Philosophy
- Article: “5 Reasons It Is OK to Doubt Your Faith.” Crosswalk.com
- Book: Wandering Toward God: Finding Faith amid Doubts and Big Questions (IVP).
- Article: “Loving God Means More Than Knowing about Him, but Not Less.” Christianity Today.
Jonathan Kim, Professor of Christian Education
- Book: Journey to Freedom and Blessings from the Heart (Farking Publishing).
- Article: “The Bible is the Book by and for Immigrants.” Baptist Standard.
Joseph Matos, Professor of Biblical Studies
- Book. How Great is Our God: Passing the Faith Along. Connect360: All the Bible for All of Life (GC2 Press).
Sara Burt, Adjunct Professor of English
- Book Co-Author: The Beauty of Restoration: The Final Days of Jesus. Connect 360: All the Bible for All of Life (GC2 Press).
Keith Loftin, Professor of Philosophy
- Book: Rekindling an Old Light: The Virtue and Value of Christ-Shaped Liberal Arts Learning (High Bridge Books).
Philip Mitchell, Professor of English, Director of the University Honors Program
- Article: “A Quest for Coherence: T.S. Elliot as Public Intellectual.” Christianity and Literature.
Mike Williams, Senior Professor of History
- Articles: “William J. Simmons: Theologian of the Noble Soul” and “Karen O’Dell Bullock: Baptist Historian, Story Keeper and Storyteller.” Common Call: The Baptist Standard Magazine.
Note: No digital link is currently available to the above articles by Mike Williams.
Mark Bloom, Professor of Biology
- Co-Author Article: “Socioscientific Issues-based Instruction: The Messier Side of (leading) Science Teaching.” Journal of Educational Supervision.
- Co-Author Chapter: “Building Leadership Content Knowledge to Supervise Teachers in STEM Disciplines.” Actionable Feedback to PK-12 Teachers (Rowman and Littlefield Publishers).
Jeffrey Kramer, Adjunct Professor of Chemistry
- Book: God, Jesus, and Other Foolishness. Why Biblical Christianity Makes Sense (Wipf & Stock).
Marcus Goodloe, Adjunct Professor of Leadership
- Book: The Next Level: Growing with God in His word, your walk, and your worship (Independent).
Grant Byrd, Adjunct Professor of Student Ministry
- Co-Author Book: Following your Call to Ministry: Recognizing and Responding to God’s Call (GC2 Press).
Tom Vann, Professor of Christian Ministry
- Book: Christ at the Center of Pastoral Ministry: The Difference Jesus Makes in Pastoral Theology, Spiritual Leadership, and Ministry Practices (Courier Publishing).
Written by Dr. Michael Whiting
Dr. Michael Whiting is the Director of Written Content in University Communications at Dallas Baptist University.