Mark Lanier Speaks at DBU

Dallas, TX – Attorney, author, teacher, pastor, and expert storyteller Mark Lanier recently spoke at Dallas Baptist University. Addressing the students at a weekly chapel service, he shared about what truly matters in life.
“What really counts?” Lanier began. “Some people would say what really counts is math, others would say true love, and some might even say food. My suggestion is that what really counts is all three.”
After grabbing the students’ attention with this bold claim, Lanier proceeded to explain his reasoning.
“Math is a reflection of the character of God. It does not change,” he said. “As surely as two plus two equals four, so God is a God of justice, and love, and mercy.”
True love, he continued, is represented on the cross when Christ chose to take our place and die for the forgiveness of our sins. Food, he concluded, represents the daily necessity of scripture, community, and prayer to have a healthy relationship with God.
A native Texan, Lanier has become one of the most accomplished and distinguished lawyers in the United States. He is Board Certified in Personal Injury Trial and was also selected as the 2018 President of the National Trial Lawyers Association. When he is not working in the courtroom, he also leads a Sunday school class at Champion Forest Baptist Church and has written multiple books including Psalms for Living.
“What a wonderful experience for our students to see one of the finest lawyers in the country who is also such an outstanding witness for the Lord,” explained Dr. Adam C. Wright, DBU President. “We continually challenge our students to pursue their callings with excellence as unto the Lord, and Mark Lanier serves as a great example of that commitment.”
Courtney Smith is a freelance content writer for University Communications at Dallas Baptist University.