DBU Students Pray for the Nation at See You at the Quad

DBU Students praying and worshiping on the Quad on the DBU campus in Dallas

On the morning of September 25th, 2024, at 7:00 a.m. on DBU's campus, the DBU Family gathered at the Quad for prayer over our world, nation, and university. The campus was quiet, with the lamp posts still lit as the sun hadn't fully risen yet. Students, Faculty, and Staff gathered today for DBU's rendition of See You at the Pole, a tradition founded by two teenagers in 1990. Thirty-four years later, an estimated one million students across 64 countries continue to gather each year on the last Wednesday of September to pray for revival. As the day began with dark clouds and chances of rain, the DBU Family was blessed with a dry morning as they gathered on top of the Hill to come before God with prayer and worship.

Kristi Coleman, Director of the Rogers Intercessory Prayer Ministry, greeted the students and thanked the Student Government Association for hosting See You at the Quad this year. Coleman handed out papers with prayer points for the world, the nation, and the student body at DBU. An SGA member guided the DBU Family to the first prayer point and led us in prayer before having the students divide into small groups to pray over our world.

As students gathered in prayer and lifted their requests to the Lord, there wasn't a group that was silent. Murmurs of thanksgiving and requests filled the air as they prayed for our international brothers and sisters in Christ. Students prayed for the safety of others, for peace, for hearts to turn to the Lord, and for a revival to begin. Students who were strangers before today joined together to pray for the grace and love of God to be given to the people beyond our campus and our nation. "Watching the Lord move in the DBU Family during this event as they come to the Lord in prayer will always be one of my favorite times of the year," Kristi Coleman shared.

As the first prayer point began to close, Zach Hampton, a member of DBU Chapel Worship, started playing his acoustic guitar and led the crowd in a song of worship. Students' voices rang as Zach led everyone in "The Blood" by Bethel Music. A sweet chorus of voices sang out in worship to God, singing, "What can I say? 'Thank You' is not enough. Jesus, Your grace, Your mercy poured out for us. I will love You forever, here on Earth into Heaven."

As the song finished, Lizzy Elder, a representative of SGA, led the students in prayer. Camden Ammons, another representative of SGA, asked students to gather in their groups again to pray for our nation. Again, students returned to prayer, asking God for a revival to begin on college campuses across the country. Students prayed for protection and peace for everyone in our nation. Prayers rose in the air to God about the upcoming election, the safety of our schools, and the sparks of a revival.

As this prayer point came to a close, Kristi Coleman shared that most revivals occur on college campuses with students in their 20s. "A revival typically begins with two students who have a fire in their hearts for God and are seeking a revival to begin," she shared. "A revival for hearts to turn to God and to know Him as our Lord." It's a beautiful moment as students are reminded of God's greatness and power.

As she finished, a final prayer point to pray for DBU students was given. It's an endearing moment as students from different classifications pray with their fellow peers over the year ahead. As the final prayers finished, Zach Hampton returned to play a final worship song to close the event.

As students finished worshipping, they continued to gather and fellowship with one another as the DBU Coffeehouse served everyone. "There is comfort and joy in having so many students rise so early in the morning to gather together in worship and prayer here on top DBU's 'City on a Hill,'" shared Kristi Coleman.

Written by Valerie Colbert

Valerie Colbert writes for University Communications at Dallas Baptist University