DBU Welcomes Scott Turner for First Spring 2022 Chapel Service

"I am not a victim, but a victor! Do not let your personal limitations define your expectations. Have great expectations because you serve a great and awesome God!" (Scott Turner)
As the cool weather swept across University Hill ushering in the fresh spring semester, DBU students gathered in Pilgrim Chapel once again for the first Chapel service of the new year. As new classes begin and new opportunities arise, there is nothing as sweet as joining together, being encouraged alongside one another, and being sent into the world to carry out each individual calling represented within the student body.
To open the service, DBU Chapel Worship led the Patriot family in singing one of their original songs followed by the beloved hymn "'Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus." What a beautiful reminder to declare together:
"Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him!
How I've proved Him o'er and o'er.
Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus!
Oh, for grace to trust Him more!"
DBU's Vice President of Student Affairs Dr. Jay Harley then introduced the service's speaker and reminded students of the heart of DBU. "Be it known that Christ is the reason for this university," said Dr. Harley. "We sing glory to God forever, 'all praise King Jesus,' and we trust in Him unapologetically." After concluding the reading of Scott Turner's biography, DBU welcomed President Dr. Adam Wright to the stage who led the service in the reading of John 15:5, the Lord's Prayer, and concluded with a prayer over DBU and the upcoming semester.
After hearing from Dr. Wright, DBU Board of Trustees member and friend Scott Turner assumed the pulpit. Scott Turner attended the University of Illinois where he played football and graduated with a degree in speech communication. Turner served as a business leader, politician, and played for a number of years in the National Football League. He has previously served as the Executive Director of the White House Opportunity and Revitalization Council as well as the Texas State Representative for the 33rd district. Turner now serves on staff at Prestonwood Baptist Church as an Associate Pastor.
Before beginning his lesson, Turner said "Playing in the NFL for nine years- Washington, San Diego, and Denver- was awesome. Serving in the House of Representatives was tremendous. Serving as a Presidential Appointee with Dr. Ben Carson in the most distressed parts of this country was a Godsend and it was life-changing." Turner does not stop there, but continues by saying: "But the greatest gift, the greatest privilege I have is to stand before young people of God and preach the gospel of Jesus Christ."
Teaching out of the book of Mark chapter 10, Turner focused on the story of Bartimaeus, a blind man who called out to Jesus to heal him on the side of the road. "Bartimaeus was a man of tremendous faith, courage, and fortitude," Turner said. "DBU, that is my prayer for you this morning- that your faith in Christ would increase. That you would be young men and women of great courage. That you would have the fortitude to never give in, never give up, and trust God."
Because we serve a great and mighty God, our lives do not have to be defined by our shortcomings. Instead, we turn to Jesus Christ, our healer and the perfecter of our faith, and lean on Him and His strength. In a world that desperately needs this kind of hope, Scott left the stage with a challenge to all in attendance: to boldly go out and share the gospel.
"We are living in a season of messiness, but God is in the business of working through the messiness," said Dr. Wright. "We will not be distracted from seeking, pursuing, loving, and trusting God. Our God is not a God of discouragement, but of encouragement. He is a God of great power, of great hope, of great joy, and great peace."
The Patriot family is excited to enter into this new season together, encouraged by the words of Scott Turner, Dr. Harley, and Dr. Wright. Leaning into the words found in John 15, together, we strive to abide in Christ and cling to the One who gives both our lives and our university purpose.
Emmalie Ellis writes for the University Communications department at Dallas Baptist University.