Greek Life at DBU: Breaking the Mold

The term “Greek Life” in most settings these days is often accompanied with negative connotations, emotions, or headlines, as news and culture draw attention to instances of hazing or scandal associated with such organizations. Those who were in a sorority or fraternity themselves may think back to wild college days marked by anything but godliness. However, if you hear “Greek Life” on University Hill, a different image comes to mind.
Officially started in 2009 with the creation of four sororities and one fraternity, Greek Life at Dallas Baptist University has been unique from its inception. While some began as preexisting student clubs that were officially deemed Greek organizations in 2009, others were created as Greek groups from the onset. The next three years brought about two more sororities and three new fraternities, with the most recent, Chi Theta Alpha sorority, beginning just this past fall. More than anything else, these groups were created with the intent of Kingdom impact, which happens both within the members of the club as well as in the communities in which they engage and serve.
At their creation, each group partnered with a local service organization as one of the most central pillars of their group. Some, such as Alpha Epsilon Chi sorority, serve close to home. AEX partners with the DBU Athletics department to serve DBU sports teams in a variety of ways throughout the entire year and multiple sports seasons. Pi Theta Tau fraternity also serves close to home in multiple capacities, one of which is cleaning their adopted street in Grand Prairie, just off Carrier Parkway, where many DBU students frequent. Some organizations have served in various capacities throughout their existence, while others have chosen to serve one organization or cause consistently. Sigma Chi Eta sorority, for example, has served with local pregnancy centers and pro-life organizations, throwing baby showers monthly for expectant mothers who have chosen life for their baby, often at a young age or with little to no family support.
Wherever the groups serve, this unique aspect of Greek Life continues to be one of the most impactful parts of going Greek at DBU.
Bre Bays | Sigma Chi Eta
“Being a part of Sigma Chi Eta and getting to serve these mothers has truly been amazing. Our service has opened my eyes to the truth about young moms and their pregnancies. I have seen the Lord work in the lives of these women in showing them that they are not alone, that they have a supporter, and that Christ still loves them no matter what. When you can see a mom truly come to know those things, and fully understand that we love her because Christ loves her, that makes it all worth it. It is always an outstanding joy getting to watch the Lord work in their lives in a time where things seem to be way too hard.”
Anna Catherine Bradley | Zeta Chi
“The thing that drew me into joining DBU’s Greek Life was the commitment to service. Since joining Zeta Chi, I’ve learned that fulfillment doesn’t come from the meetings, mixers, or formals; though those things certainly are exciting and memorable. Rather, it comes from the daily accountability to serve and honor the Lord, commitment in serving alongside our philanthropy with a Kingdom mindset, and then to faithfully take care of each other and serve those closest to us. I find myself continuously encouraged by Zeta Chi because of the way our sorority has committed to living out the priorities of service before social. Kingdom mindsets are formed when Christians seek to continuously put the needs of others first, and this has greatly sharpened my walk with Christ.”
While much of their time together is spent seeking to impact the world around them, some of the most profound moments for Greek Life members take place within their clubs themselves.
Asim Ali | Beta Beta
While participating in Rush Week, a member of Pi Theta Tau fraternity shared the Gospel with Asim, who, at the time, was not a believer. At the end of the week, Asim ended up pledging a different fraternity, Beta Beta. Both this Rush Week experience and his time in Beta was incredibly impactful for him, as his fraternity “big brother” ended up serving as his mentor shortly after his salvation.
“A week after I accepted Christ during Beta’s Pledge Week, I got the experience of professing my faith by carrying a cross everywhere I went. It was a little odd to me as a new believer, but my brothers surrounded me and encouraged me to carry it with pride and believe that this is who I am and why I exist. I share these stories not to build up one fraternity or another, but to show that a Gospel-centered environment is not limited to the ‘right’ fraternity, but resounds in all of them.”
Efrain Carbajal | Psi Omega Phi
“Alongside other areas, Greek Life has given me a stronger, more Christ-centered community in my three years here than I ever experienced in my eleven years in my community back home. They have challenged me to grow in my faith, loved me at my lowest, and rejoiced with me at my highest. This genuine community has been the best part of being in Greek Life.”
While the world may view Greek Life in a certain light, sororities and fraternities at DBU are hard at work to break that mold. Though imperfect, young men and women on this campus are striving toward Christ and using Greek Life as a way to grow in faith and service.
Courtney Smith is a freelance content writer for University Communications at Dallas Baptist University.