Commissional Corner: No Need Among You Conference

DBU Students Attend No Need Among You Conference
The No Need Among You Conference took place in Waco, TX, in early October. This conference began 12 years ago to help encourage and instruct Christians to move beyond 'relief' ministries for the poor and towards 'empowering' ministries. Several DBU students were in attendance this year to learn how to create opportunities for empowerment in their communities. They heard from outstanding speakers like Dr. Carla Michelle Brown, Baylor Professor Dr. Kevin D. Dougherty, Author Dr. Gerardo Marti, and more! They continued learning from 60 workshop leaders and saw hands-on work at local ministries. The conference even held a 5K run to fundraise for NNAY. Participants could sign up and run in Waco or do so "virtually" in their hometown.
Courtney Yates Shares Insight from the Conference
Courtney Yates, one of the DBU students, had some great insight from the conference. When asked how the conference impacted her and her future in global leadership, her response was, "The conference impacted my perspective on many topics, such as gender equality, racism, and urban poverty. It was a life-changing experience during my fall break. Creating a new group of friends, realizing the deep burdens of my calling, and receiving a fresh insight on the problems Christians need to face in today's society."
Courtney's Takeaway on Christian Leadership
Courtney also shared her most significant takeaway from the conference. She stated that her "biggest realization was that Christians need to represent Christ in a healthier way. We need to discern our worldly perspective with the Word of God. In every way, we need to represent God's character with love, peace, grace, and mercy." Lastly, she shared the area in which she could grow the most based on the topics presented at the conference. She said, "After this conference, one of the main realizations that impacted my perspective is that we need to spread the Gospel in our daily lifestyles. There are many ways to make His name known, but we need to realize that we can still show the heart of God through our daily routine when we are actively listening to the Holy Spirit."
Courtney Yates continued, "This conference was eye-opening on many topics Christians do not discuss often. It made me realize my burden for the lost and unreached in Dallas. I have admired the group teachings and the experience through this conference!" Courtney's words and what the No Need Among You Conference did to equip DBU students are an encouragement!
The Graduate School of Ministry provides training for individuals who sense God's call to ministry. The mission of the Graduate School of Ministry integrates foundations of Christian faith and values with professional academic studies.