Lion’s U Engages Aspiring Business Leaders at DBU

This month DBU students had the opportunity to attend Lion’s U, a three-day conference in conjunction with Lion’s Den DFW, that allowed inspiring business leaders the opportunity to learn how they can integrate their faith with their careers. Students heard from a variety of BAM (Business as Mission) leaders, including business professors, authors, and professionals in the field. Throughout the event attendees networked, interviewed, and engaged with these speakers as well as other business professionals.
As part of Lion’s U, students attended Lion’s Den DFW. This event is a competition conference for mission-focused businesses to pitch ideas to Kingdom-minded investors.
To end this conference, students went to breakout sessions with the conversations centering around poverty alleviation, human trafficking, raising capital, disciple-making, church planting, mission agencies, and more. Some of this year's speakers included Grant Skeldon, the founder of Initiative Network and author of The Passion Generation; and Mats Tunehag, a speaker, author, and consultant who has worked in numerous countries serving with the Chairman of the Freedom Business Alliance, as well as on the Global Council of Advocates International (a global network of 30,000 lawyers). DBU also welcomed speakers David Batstone, Dr. Anne Bradley, Dave Price, and Mark Tiderman to discuss all-things BAM related, speaking wisdom into the business world.
“I loved meeting so many accomplished people,” DBU student Haley Espinosa shared. “It was encouraging to hear stories about how God impacted their lives. This was my first time attending Lion’s Den and Lion’s U and the speakers taught me so much about starting and maintaining a business. My key takeaways were that networking really helps, you can learn a lot from people who have gone before you, you have to learn to work hard for what you want and see failure as an opportunity to try something new, and that God is extremely important in guiding you in the world of life and business.”
Faith Myers is a member of University Communications at Dallas Baptist University.