International Student Pursues Career in Medical Field

DBU is home to hundreds of international students representing more than 60 countries, and each with their own story. Dorcas Bakiono, a Burkinabé student, lived in three different countries before coming to the United States: Burkina Faso, Togo, and Kenya. In the fall of 2016, she moved to Texas and started DBU's Intensive English Program.
"I learned about DBU through my pastor's son back home who attended DBU's Intensive English Program," Bakiono shared. "After talking to him and praying about it, my parents and I believed that DBU was the place to go. It was the only university in the United States that I applied to."
Bakiono is majoring in Biology and minoring in Psychology. She is the president of the DBU African Student Union (ASU), as well as a member of Tri Beta—DBU's National Biological Honor Society.
"One of my favorite parts about being involved with the African Student Union is gathering as a group," Bakiono explained. "We are united by one dream of coming to study in the U.S. Within ASU there is so much diversity, and I get to learn more every day. Being involved in ASU definitely pushed me out of my comfort zone, it constantly helps me in developing my leadership skills."
Alongside a growing desire to influence communities through her leadership, Bakiono developed an interest in chemistry. During one of her classes, Bakiono learned of an opportunity to merge both her love for people and medicine when a former DBU student shared about an upcoming medical mission trip. In January 2019, Bakiono joined a team of DBU students and faculty in Haiti.
"In Haiti, we set up mobile clinics, where we performed medical history assessments, and provided the necessary treatments for each patient. It was truly a humbling experience. I saw the difficulties people in rural areas face and the hardships they go through. However, in the midst of hardship they still had hope. We take many of these things for granted, such as having a means of transportation, eating three meals every day, and having clean water available to us. A lot of these people eat only twice a day and walk long distances, from one to four hours, to get water. The trip solidified the fact that I want to become a medical doctor. It definitely pushed me to love people more, just like Jesus loves me," Bakiono shared.
Bakiono's experience in Haiti continues to influence her plans and goals for the future.
"After DBU, I plan to attend medical school in hopes of becoming a pediatrician," said Bakiono. "I am passionate about children. They are precious and a gift from God who deserve care. They are innocent and cannot do much for themselves, so I want to play a role in children lives and show them love by taking care of them. In many developing countries, there is a lack of adequate medical provision towards the population, and I want to be able to contribute to the growth of that field. Thus, having a heart for children combined with my interest in the medical profession is the main reason I want to go into pediatrics."
Faith Myers is a member of University Communications at Dallas Baptist University.