Students Serve with Hungarian Baptist Aid

This May, a group of DBU students traveled to Hungary to minister to local schools throughout the country. Led by Dr. Martha Oldenburg, Dr. DeAnna Jenkins, Dr. Brent Thomason, and Desi Henk, the two-week trip allowed faculty, staff, and students to build relationships with the Hungarian community as they served in Kisújszállás, Nagyhalász, Téglás, and Velence.
At the beginning of the trip, the team visited Hungarian Baptist Aid Headquarters, an expansive ministry that educates and ministers to Hungarian students. The group was educated on and equipped with effective tools and methods that would prepare them in ministering to Hungarian students.
After visiting the ministry's headquarters, the group spent the rest of the trip serving within the public schools governed by Hungarian Baptist Aid. The DBU team helped many students develop their English skills, while also having intentional Gospel conversations. In Téglás, the group helped eighth and ninth grade classes prepare for their state English exam. The town was so appreciative of their service that the mayor thanked the team in person.
Throughout the trip, spending days in and out of classrooms and ministering to teachers and students, the group had the opportunity to share their personal testimonies. Despite the language barrier, DBU students, faculty, and staff were able to build strong relationships. These moments opened the door for the Gospel to be shared, including one day where members of the team were able to play soccer with some of the kids.
"One day after lunch we noticed several of the students playing soccer out on the soccer field," DBU staff member Desi Henk shared. "The principal came over with the soccer coach and asked if we would give them the honor of playing a soccer match, so Dr. Thomason and I, along with two other DBU students, participated in a four-on-four match. They even had uniforms for us. While we were a bit apprehensive, it was amazing to see how God used this one simple game of soccer to break down the barriers of communication and truly open up a door to build a relationship with the students we were playing with."
Faith Myers is a member of University Communications at Dallas Baptist University.