DBU Celebrates Homecoming with Basketball Win and Inaugural "Mr. Patriot"

November 18-23 marked DBU's Homecoming celebrations for faculty, students and alumni. The week started with the annual Alumni Homecoming Reception and Dinner, honoring Wes Johnson with the 2019 Distinguished Alumnus Award. Johnson was the first pitching coach in Major League Baseball history that moved directly from the college level to play professionally. He currently serves as a pitching coach for the Minnesota Twins.
Dr. Alva G. Parks was honored and was presented with the 2019 Honorary Alumnus Award. Parks served as the Executive Vice President at DBU from 1990-1996 and as a member of the DBU Board of Trustees. He was also a professor of education administration at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.
Immediately following the dinner, the DBU family gathered for the Patriot Rally and the President's Alumni Reception with Dr. Adam Wright in the Alumni Tent on the Quad. After the Patriot Rally, "The Pictures Band" performed a concert on the Quad as everyone enjoyed a time of community and fellowship, complete with s'mores, hot chocolate, and coffee.
Throughout the week, students enjoyed the first-ever Mr. Patriot, an annual male talent competition, as well as the faculty Chili Cook-Off and a Pepsi Break on the Quad. Greek Life spent nights preparing their floats as the weekend neared, leading up to the Homecoming Parade.
On Saturday, Patriots lined up on the hill to enjoy the parade as DBU's student organizations showed off their floats and welcomed all in attendance. As the parade finished its route around the hill, students and faculty enjoyed a tailgate party full of food, games, and fellowship outside the Burg Center in anticipation for the basketball game. Patriots crowded the Burg Center when the doors finally opened, with students and faculty alike cheering on DBU's basketball team as they defeated Arlington Baptist with a score of 88-57.
Faith Myers is a member of University Communications at Dallas Baptist University.