Theology: Recognizing the Program and Rewarding Students

After many decades of hard work and perseverance from our faculty and students, DBU's Master of Arts in Theological Studies program was named one of the top 35 theology programs in the nation for 2020! The program was evaluated based on faculty, flexibility, costs, and reputation, then evaluated on an Intelligent Score ranging from a scale of 0 to 100. DBU ranked #27 on the list.
Thinking about enrolling in DBU's Master of Arts in Theological Studies program?
Here are some things to think over as you contemplate joining DBU's program.
When comparing the cost of DBU to other institutions, keep in mind the financial aid we can offer you, the fewer amount of hours it takes to complete our programs, and our schedule flexibility in relation to your life.
When it comes to finding a school with cost-effectiveness, DBU is here to serve you. The university assists students in obtaining financial aid through the Office of Financial Aid. Below, we have described scholarships DBU gives to help you complete your degree efficiently.
Ministry Scholarship
The Ministry Scholarship is available to qualifying first-year students who are members of a Baptist church or continuing students who are members of a Baptist General Convention of Texas (BGCT) church who are also enrolled in a Graduate School of Ministry (GSOM) program. They must show evidence of a divine call to vocational and bi-vocational church-related Christian ministry.
Students that qualify for the Ministry Scholarship will receive $200 per credit hour (the Baptist General Convention of Texas provides $100 per credit hour and DBU provides $100 per credit hour).
Church Membership Scholarship
The Graduate School of Ministry Baptist General Convention of Texas Scholarship is $1000 per semester scholarship for 3 academic years. Students must be actively involved in a BGCT church, pursuing a degree in the Graduate School of Ministry, and are not required to be enrolled full time to receive this scholarship.
This scholarship applies only to the completion of the hours required for the primary degree listed in a dual degree program. Students must apply for the scholarship during their first semester enrolled at DBU. The deadline to apply for the scholarship is the last day to add/drop during their first semester in GSOM.
Church Matching Grant Scholarship
DBU will match up to $3500 per academic year given on a student's behalf from his/her local church. Certain restrictions apply. For more information, please refer to the Church Matching Gift Guidelines.
Additional information and applications for these scholarships are available on the program's website, as well as through the Ministry Student Office at (214) 333-5574 or
The Graduate School of Ministry provides training for individuals who sense God's call to ministry. The mission of the Graduate School of Ministry integrates foundations of Christian faith and values with professional academic studies.