December 2020 Commencement

Dallas Baptist University celebrated its 401 bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral graduates during four Winter Commencement services held in Pilgrim Chapel on December 17 and 18. These were the first in-door, in-person Commencements in 2020. To follow appropriate safety precautions, seating was spaced apart to provide for social distancing, and all attendees were required to pass a health screening test and wear face masks.
Dr. Adam C. Wright, DBU President, opened with the quote from Charles Dickens’ A Tale of Two Cities, citing “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times,” referring to the uniquely challenging semester the graduates just completed during a pandemic and the strong resolve they demonstrated to finish well.
Commencement Addresses
Commencement Addresses were provided by four graduates who are working in various contexts of leadership and ministry:
December 17, 10:00 a.m.
Dr. Tempress Asagba (pictured above with her husband Tuoyo), Ed.D. in Educational Leadership, serves as Dean of Students at DBU. Tempress obtained her Bachelor of Science from DBU in 2008, followed by her Master of Business Administration from DBU in 2012. She started full-time as the Assistant Director and later Director of the Cashier’s Office before leaving for a few years to become the Director of Development at Tyler Street Christian Academy. Upon returning to DBU she served in corporate relations and later was named Dean of Students. In addition, she serves on the President's External Cabinet and as Chief Diversity Officer and Chair of DBU’s CARE Committee (Community Advocates for Racial Equality).
December 17, 3:00 p.m.
Jonathan Fechner, M.A. Intercultural Studies, serves as the Executive Director for BridgeBuilders, a non-profit organization in South Dallas, which has been serving the community of Bonton. Annually, BridgeBuilders impacts over 600 residents through holistic programming, including job training and transportation assistance. Prior to BridgeBuilders, Jonathan worked at DBU as the Assistant to the President where he served under Dr. Adam C. Wright. He graduated from Dallas Baptist University in May 2018 with a Bachelor of Business Administration in Entrepreneurship, while receiving the President’s Senior Servant Leadership award. Jonathan was recently recognized as a finalist for Leadership Excellence for a Small Organization by D CEO.
December 18, 10:00 a.m.
Daniel Salters, MBA, is Assistant to Chancellor Gary Cook at DBU. Daniel played as a catcher for DBU’s Baseball team before accepting a call in the 13th round of the MLB draft to join the Cleveland Indians. After four years, he retired from professional baseball to complete his college education, and currently assists Chancellor Cook in his efforts to raise money for student scholarships.
December 18, 3:00 p.m.
Chase Durham, M.A. Discipleship, is Student Pastor at Cottonwood Creek Church in Allen, Texas. While working on his undergraduate degree, Chase played outfield on the DBU Baseball team with a desire to go professional, but in 2012 he answered a calling into pastoral ministry during his senior year, graduating Summa Cum Laude with a B.A. in Biblical Studies.
Dr. Michael Whiting is the Director of Written Content in University Communications at Dallas Baptist University.