MAGL Commissional Corner: From Learners to Leaders

Often when I talk with prospective students, I'm asked, "What can I do with a M.A. in Global Leadership degree?" And rather than answering that question with a list of hypothetical job opportunities, I like to highlight what our Master of Arts in Global Leadership (MAGL) alumni are doing right now around the world. Whether at home or abroad, our MAGL graduates have moved from learners to leaders, serving as agents of spiritual change in cross-cultural environments.
Just recently, I touched base with several of our MAGL alumni to see how God is using them as global leaders. One is serving as a missionary in Japan and currently enrolled in language school. Another was recently ordained to the Gospel Ministry and leads a multi-ethnic DFW church as a campus pastor. Still another has taken a job at a Christian College in London as an admissions counselor. Another serves as an administrative assistant at the Dallas Baptist Association.
And there are countless more leading in school systems and universities, ministering in non-profit Christian organizations and local churches, serving in denominational and associational work, and equipping mission mobilizers and church planters. At this point I try to explain to the prospective student it is less "What can I do?" and more "What can't I do with a M.A. in Global Leadership degree?" Because when we realize that God is using the MAGL degree to move students from learners to leaders by calling them to ministries around the globe, then we can't ask questions which limit God's work in our lives.
In May 2021, we congratulated another group of MAGL graduates who have accepted God's calling to become global leaders and been commissioned to make disciples of all nations. We look forward with great anticipation, not limitation, at what God will do through them. Soli Deo gloria!
The Graduate School of Ministry provides training for individuals who sense God's call to ministry. The mission of the Graduate School of Ministry integrates biblical foundations of Christian faith and values with professional academic studies.
The Graduate School of Ministry provides training for individuals who sense God's call to ministry. The mission of the Graduate School of Ministry integrates foundations of Christian faith and values with professional academic studies.