Prepared to Thrive: Faith DeLaGarza

On May 15, the DBU Women's Golf Team won the Division II NCAA Championship in Michigan – a victory that came as a contribution from all 10 members of the team. One of the players on this squad, Faith DeLaGarza, has learned a lot from her time as a student-athlete and is prepared for her next steps in life and beyond.
Faith grew up in Midland, Texas, about four hours away from DBU. After looking at different colleges, Faith chose DBU after feeling a peace that God was calling her to primarily play golf but also to experience meaningful and fruitful relationships. "I love every aspect of DBU; whether it's academics, athletics, or the relationships – I love all of it." She has been on the golf team for the past four years and will be graduating this coming December with her bachelor's degree in marketing with plans on starting her master's degree in sports communication in January.
Faith is currently interning for Weldon Contractors, a mechanical and plumbing contracting company located in Arlington, as a part of her marketing practicum class. Weldon has done work on DBU's campus, mainly helping with Pederson Ford Village and the DBU Baseball facilities. Faith heard about Weldon through the athletics department, and pursued it, knowing it would be a great opportunity for her.
As Faith has been working at Weldon, she has been a key part of helping Weldon to be on the front end of digital marketing in the contracting world. Not only has Faith been helping Weldon thrive in digital marketing, but she has also been helping kickstart their presence on social media. Through the use of market analytics and constantly updating Weldon's online presence, Faith has been making a big impact at Weldon.
Part of what has helped Faith be so impactful at her internship is her prior knowledge of contracting. Her father owns his own contracting company in Midland, so she has grown up with advanced knowledge of what helps market companies such as Weldon.
Not only does Faith get to assist in Weldon's marketing strategies, but she also gets to mix her passion and skill of golf with her knowledge and experience of marketing by planning a golf tournament sponsored by Weldon Contractors. "I love being at Weldon because there is always a challenge of creating new strategies and developing them the best I can," Faith said. "Even if I can only give a little, I want a little to go a long way."
Being an athlete at DBU has been a big key to Faith's success by teaching her more and more about how to be disciplined. Her daily routine during the Fall and Spring semesters the past three years has consisted of working out, eating breakfast, doing homework, going to class, attending chapel, heading to practice, eating dinner, doing more homework, and then going to bed. Through this routine, she has learned what it means to not only be disciplined but to give it her all in whatever she is doing. She attributes these principles to where she finds herself now.
Although Faith is thriving and enjoying her current internship, her goal is to one day end up as a sports agent or on the marketing side of some of America's largest sports organizations. Even though Weldon is not a sports-oriented company, Faith has learned how to market well and produce the best work that she can, knowing that the principles she is learning now are preparing her for what is in store for her future. "I know this is what God has called me to do."Brooks Anthony writes for the University Communications Department for Dallas Baptist University.