Institute for Global Engagement: An Evening with Dennis Prager


Nationally syndicated talk show host Dennis Prager joined the DBU Family on September 22 to share with students in a morning chapel service and with faculty, staff, and off-campus guests at an evening dinner followed by a lecture presentation and Q&A in Pilgrim Chapel in partnership with the Institute for Global Engagement. 

Lee Bratcher, Director of the IGE, opened with remarks on the early foundations of the Institute and its vision to engage cultural issues from a Biblical perspective. These were followed by an introduction by Dr. Adam C. Wright, DBU President.

The theme of Prager’s IGE presentation, “American Free Enterprise and Human Flourishing," discussed the urgency of remaining faithful to biblical moral values in the midst of a cultural shift that is increasingly undermining them.

Prager is co-founder of Prager University (PragerU), the most viewed conservative video site in the world, and is a New York Times bestselling author of nine books on various subjects. He has travelled to more than 130 countries and has lectured on all the world’s continents. He completed graduate work at the Russian and Middle East Institutes of the Columbia University School of International Affairs and has taught Russian and Jewish history at Brooklyn College. 

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Written by Dallas Baptist University