The Impact of the MAGL: Robert Ewing and Melisa Barrera

The Master of Arts in Global Leadership Program is designed to equip students in cross-cultural leadership, missions, and ministry. It fosters growth in the individual and in navigating cultural intelligence within today's rapidly changing world. In May of 2022, five students graduated from the MAGL Program. Two students specifically, Robert Ewing and Melisa Barrera, shared their experiences about the MAGL Program and how it has influenced them.
Robert explained how the MAGL encouraged him to step out of his comfort zone. Throughout his time at DBU, his worldview was greatly expanded as he grew in both his knowledge of the Lord and in his understanding of the church's mission set forth by Christ. Currently, Robert is a team leader for a ministry that aids in mobilizing churches to unbelievers. The MAGL program played a significant role in his career. He shares, "The combination of classes, readings, and materials has given me a lot of extra tools in my toolbelt to use when serving churches around the state."
If Robert could pass on any advice to future MAGL students, it would be to utilize the knowledge
professors have and establish connections with them. He says, "Get to know your professors, ask them questions, and ask for book recommendations. They have a wealth of knowledge and the questions I asked greatly enriched my experience."
Another new MAGL Alumni, Melisa, recalled how the program helped her grow in many areas of her life, strengthening her worldview. She realized how important it is to meet people who are unaware of God's purpose in their lives. For while the world is broken, it needs those who have been restored in Christ to lift unbelievers up and show them Jesus. Throughout her time in the MAGL, Melisa has learned various tools that will aid her in pursuing a vocation in missions. She shares, "Missions is not just a program within the church, but rather it is at the heart of the church. Wherever we go, we must share the gospel."
Melisa's advice for new MAGL students regards the significance of humbly allowing the Lord to guide students during their time at DBU. She says, "God will use everything around you to make you grow and bring you to the point of total dependence on Him, taking you to a deeper level in your relationship. Let God shape you into His masterpiece."
On behalf of the MAGL, we are extremely proud of our graduates and cannot wait to see what the Lord has in store for them in the future!
The Graduate School of Ministry provides training for individuals who sense God's call to ministry. The mission of the Graduate School of Ministry integrates foundations of Christian faith and values with professional academic studies.