Commissional Corner: Master of Arts in Global Leadership Celebrates December Graduates

The MA in Global Leadership program is celebrating the 2022 December graduates! They have all put in much time and effort and have worked hard to further their education. It has now led them to this moment: graduation. The MAGL program is proud to feature Loyd Miguel and Phillip Fuentes in this issue.
Loyd Miguel
How has the Lord provided for you during your MAGL degree?

"My family and I prayed for seven straight years until we reached DBU in El Spring of 2021. Even though I officially start in the Fall of 2020. There is a cloud of faithful men and women whom I am thankful and honored before the Lord. First, I thank my mentors, Dr. Rev. Jim and Viola Palmer. Second, I am thankful for all the prayers, encouragement, affirmation, and support from my loyal friend, wife, colleague, and ministry partners, my beautiful wife, Alma Miguel, and my daughters, Lya and Lyla Miguel.
Finally, I must thank DBU for all the facilities it has offered me to study.
The teachers, the library, and the scholarships I was able to access. I leave with deep gratitude and an experience for life, my calling, and ministry in
the mission field where God will call me."
Phillip Fuentes
What would you like to share with MAGL students currently working on their degree?

"The MAGL degree better prepares you to connect and communicate the gospel to all cultural backgrounds. Furthermore, the degree allows you to learn from the success and failures of past missionaries or ministry attempts. The MAGL degree was the best decision I made. It trained me to be aware of the multicultural world around me and realize the subtle cultural interpretations missed in the Bible because I read it from a Western worldview. God has used this degree to reveal more of Himself through the Bible and where He is working in the world."
The Graduate School of Ministry cannot wait to see all God accomplishes in their next chapter of life. Congratulations, Loyd and Phillip!
The Graduate School of Ministry provides training for individuals who sense God's call to ministry. The mission of the Graduate School of Ministry integrates foundations of Christian faith and values with professional academic studies.